The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hi Guys! Welcome to the Shave Thing!


"I have Always been Rich"
Hello There!

If you are reading this, you are getting to know the guys here on The Shaving Cadre, or are checking things out as part of your shave journey. I refer to journey at least for me, picking up this hobby has taken me on a trip geographically and (dare I say it) spiritually, in pursuit of this newfound obsession.

I began shaving in the same way as most guys, watching what Dad did and getting my first razor (a Sunbeam Electric) for Christmas to trim the downy fluff of my adolescent face. I used good ol' Old Spice exclusively and used this system though College, my Military, and most of my professional careers. Of course the razor changed, but I was pretty much a "shave it dry electric guy".

After my retirement which came after a brief illness, I had a time where I didn't need to shave at all! Then hair reappeared like the sprouts of spring. I began to appreciate and actually even enjoy that crunching sound of the razor on whiskers, until one fateful day my razor died. I had been reading about the joys of wet-shaving and had seen some videos proclaiming it's virtues. I remembered I had seen my father's old shaving kit in his closet after his passing and seeing a few razors in there. A couple Double edge and two Straight razors. It was with these implements and curiosity that I began shaving with first canned spoo, and later with drug-store brand shave soaps.

Then... it happened. I met some of the guys on this very site on line and learned more about soaps and razors and brushes and of fragrances other than Old Spice. And... of the joys of Acquisition! My interest became a hobby, and that hobby became an obsession. Encouraged and educated by the gentlemen you will meet here.

So, kick off your shoes, have a seat and check out some of the forums and topics. Prepare to be entertained, to learn and hopefully to grow to appreciate the idea of making something as mundane as scraping the whiskers off your face into a hobby and something you will look forward to doing!

Wishing you all the best and looking forward to reading about your adventure,
Your friend,
Great intro Rich, looking forward to seeing where this new branch of our journey takes the Cadre!
Thanks for letting us tag along on your journey. Great read.