The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

hey, from the Show Me state


Shave Newbie
Hello everyone,

I have been on here for a little while, but overlooked stepping on to this particular thread to introduce myself. I have been into wet shaving for about 4 years now and absolutely love it. I am a head shave also, which means I get to enjoy all of this that much more to, so everything is well with it. I have tried many an artisan and products and hardware and think I am finally reached that plateau of being satisfied with my current den and options. As I am sure everyone does, sometimes there is a lot of trial and error with this hobby as we can't just easily obtain most/if any of this stuff in person and is all conducted via shipment, etc.

Anyhow, I am glad to be here and hope to contribute and just be a part of this forum as much as I can.

Have a great week everyone!!!
Welcome to the Cadre! From what area of the show me state do you hail? I'm a KC lad myself.
Welcome again! I know you've been lurking for a while.... and you're still here so it must not be too bad of a place, huh? Go ahead and jump into the conversations!

We've got a couple of things going that you might be interested in...… The Weight Loss/Fitness challenge just started at the beginning of the month. We've got a Williams 3017 and a One Blade challenge coming up in February, and Bingo is starting next week! Feel free to jump in if any of that sounds interesting!
Welcome to the Cadre @bmw45MO ! Glad to have you with us. As Spider so wonderfully listed out, we have a lot going on here. Join right in.

On a side note, thought his image is clearly that of a Spider-policeman, @Spider is equally our Spider-cruise-director here on the USS Cadre. [emoji1787]
I am out of Joplin, Missouri, sometimes I wonder if I am the only wet shaving dude here in my area, maybe not hopefully!!!
Welcome to the forum! I’m also a Missourian, from St. Louis. I hope you like it here!

Do you ever run up to Springfield, to visit Just for Him(Missouri’s wetshaving Mecca)? The last time I visited that place I had a great experience, tons of products.