The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

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Jr. Shave Member
First Responder
Hello fellow members..

New to TSC, new to wetshaving, found this site after lurking around the internet. really feel like this forum would help me in my newly acquired hobby of wet shaving.,
Welcome! I'm new here too, but not new to wet shaving. After many years of lurking on other forums, I've found The Shaving Cadre to be exactly what I was looking for. What are you using to start your journey? Brush? Soap/cream? Razor?
Welcome. This is definitely the place for someone looking for tips and tricks (and a bit of fun). Don’t be shy, if you have questions that need answers start a thread or speak up in an existing one. A lot of the guys here have been at it a while so they are full of information. what gear you using now?
Boy howdy Tex. Belly on up to the Cadre and enjoy yourself.
Thankyou all for such warm welcome!

Welcome aboard Texh, glad to have you here. What's your current set up you're working with? what gear you using now?

What are you using to start your journey? Brush? Soap/cream? Razor?

since im a student (without a job) i got the basic stuff to get me started
razor: EJ de89l
brush: some synthetic brush
blades: i got a few 5blade sample packs.
soaps: arko, IB amici, Razorock (creed smell) and mikes natural barbershop

i do have watched atleast 100+ videos on soaps, blades and razors, they are really tempting but pretty expensive.
i became a wetshaver to save money, i have already spent alot more on the gear i got, but this addiction is really pushing me to buy HQ stuff which i cant afford atm.
thankyou very much artisans for adding such chaos to my life :p
Welcome!!! Enjoy and keep and eye on the BST, and the PIFS, when eligible you will be surprised the stuff you can get at a tremendous price or even Free! I have never met a bunch of more generous folks on the Planet. This is the cream of the Crop! Nice to have you here!
Thankyou all for such warm welcome!

since im a student (without a job) i got the basic stuff to get me started
razor: EJ de89l
brush: some synthetic brush
blades: i got a few 5blade sample packs.
soaps: arko, IB amici, Razorock (creed smell) and mikes natural barbershop

i do have watched atleast 100+ videos on soaps, blades and razors, they are really tempting but pretty expensive.
i became a wetshaver to save money, i have already spent alot more on the gear i got, but this addiction is really pushing me to buy HQ stuff which i cant afford atm.
thankyou very much artisans for adding such chaos to my life :p
I therefore randomly select you to recieve some stuff I was going to pif. PM me your name and address and I'll get it mailed to you this week.
Yeah, the Dave's around here are pretty good guys. The one from KY is VERY generous.
Your razor and brush choice are pretty standard new guy selections. Nothing wrong with the EDJ razor or random synthetic brush. I rather enjoy the vintage Gillette razors, they can be found on ebay (or our BST) for a song and are built to last. I also recommend a nice Schick injector...they are great. There aren't a lot of blade choices for the injector so you won't be tempted to chase different blades, the injector blades also last a long time.