The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Southern CA

Gibbs.... Yates..... never heard of these! Looking forward to your impressions, pics, and reviews on these.

I do have some CBL Morning Blend available if you’re interested.
Never heard of the Gibbs?

@DeepSea , welcome to a great island in the middle of the interweb. I had a chance to use a Gibbs and I'm jealous, I had to give the one I used back to it's owner.
Jump in and enjoy.
Welcome aboard.
Oleo Seibo or Ariana and Evans Choco Cubano are two chocolate profile soaps I like.
Both real good soap bases too.
My $.02
Gibbs.... Yates..... never heard of these! Looking forward to your impressions, pics, and reviews on these.

I do have some CBL Morning Blend available if you’re interested.

Spider, here are a couple pictures of my Gibbs Adjustable. It’s an incredibly smooth razor all the way through the adjustment range with great efficiency. It made me completely stop using my Fatboy and Slim Gillettes. The only drawback is that the blade have to be modified to fit, but for some reason the blades are lasting 7-10 shaves at a time so it doesn’t bother me one bit.9643D4A5-B406-41B2-BF33-BEA22D612380.jpeg6C890877-8965-46EB-B632-713F2E6B64FD.jpeg
Welcome! I use a Parker Variant and love the adjustability of it. It's my daily driver razor. Glad you found our little corner of the shaving world. You won't find a better bunch to hang out with.
Welcome to the Cadre!

For coffee soaps, I've tried Catie's Bubbles Irish Coffee. It's a really good smell, IMO.
Thank you all again for the warm welcome and also for all the soap recommendations. Looks like I’ll be ordering some more sample!