The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from Philadelphia, PA

Thanks. I almost forgot to mention another favorite shave soap of mine. Martin De Candre is quickly becoming a top favorite of mine. I currently have Original and Agrumes scented soaps. Agrumes I love for its citrus scent. It’s a very happy scent to my nose.
Besides the State-side prices, I do hear good things!
Besides the State-side prices, I do hear good things!
I was lucky enough to grab Argumes for $49 on WCS when they had a 30% off clearance sale going on a few months ago. It lathers excessively easily. Two or three swirls with a wet brush and lather is in abundance.
UGH! Another dude from Philly! 🤪

I have a very massive shave collection. About 70+ DE razors and goodness knows how many soaps and aftershaves; as well as a couple dozen brushes (all synthetic) and thousands of DE blades stored in a carrying case for storage.
almost all the vintage Avon aftershaves.
Yeah...I think you will fit right in! Welcome to TSC!