The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello from NYC


Shave Newbie
Greetings everyone, and thanks for having me at the Shaving Cadre. I've been a member of a few of the other forums for a while and have been wet shaving for about 3 years, ever since my wonderful wife gave me a Bevel razor after seeing an article about them and knowing I was getting curious about what wet shaving was all about. Started there and now am totally addicted and have way too many soaps and beautiful razors but am getting nothing but great pleasure and enjoyment out of it - including all the great people involved. Thanks all and look forward to corresponding with you.
Welcome to the Cadre! I think you will fit in just fine here. Jump in a conversation...we want to hear what you have to impart. Again...welcome to TSC!
Welcome @Music!

So, having kicked off your shaving addiction, what are some of your favorites right now for gear and software?
Welcome @Music!

So, having kicked off your shaving addiction, what are some of your favorites right now for gear and software?
That is kind of you to ask. Right now I'm using 3 razors:
  • Charcoal Goods Copper Level 2, V. 2.
  • Blackbird SB
  • Paradigm Diamondback
These are the only razors I want to use at the moment, even though there are others in the closet space over our refrigerator. I'm not a vintage guy - basically too lazy, even though some of them seem to be the favorites of many.

Favorite soaps are:
  • A&E Asian Pear
  • B&M Nordost & Citricuya
  • M&M Naid
There are other bases I love but I haven't been able to find scents in them that I like and scents are a big deal to me.

I mostly use a Yaqi rainbow synthetic pony knot brush

I'm amazed at how many good products there are, both for razors and soaps.

What are your favorites?
That is kind of you to ask. Right now I'm using 3 razors:
  • Charcoal Goods Copper Level 2, V. 2.
  • Blackbird SB
  • Paradigm Diamondback
These are the only razors I want to use at the moment, even though there are others in the closet space over our refrigerator. I'm not a vintage guy - basically too lazy, even though some of them seem to be the favorites of many.

Favorite soaps are:
  • A&E Asian Pear
  • B&M Nordost & Citricuya
  • M&M Naid
There are other bases I love but I haven't been able to find scents in them that I like and scents are a big deal to me.

I mostly use a Yaqi rainbow synthetic pony knot brush

I'm amazed at how many good products there are, both for razors and soaps.

What are your favorites?
Solid list!

I’m with you on the Yaqi Rainbow, it’s probably one of my favorite brushes right now; I do enjoy my synthetics.

I use a wide range of razors from open blade to injector. My favorites are probably my RR .68 Game Changer, Blackland Vector, Schick M Adjustable, and Feather SS folding shavette.

Top soaps right now would be SV and CBL.
Solid list!

I’m with you on the Yaqi Rainbow, it’s probably one of my favorite brushes right now; I do enjoy my synthetics.

I use a wide range of razors from open blade to injector. My favorites are probably my RR .68 Game Changer, Blackland Vector, Schick M Adjustable, and Feather SS folding shavette.

Top soaps right now would be SV and CBL.
Have heard great things about CBL. Will put that on my list of ones to try soon. Also want to try the Vector. I am not in an SE phase right now, but when I am...

I am impressed by anyone who can use a shavette. I'm not ready for that yet.
Have heard great things about CBL.

I am impressed by anyone who can use a shavette. I'm not ready for that yet.
CBL is amazing. At the top of my list!

And shavettes aren’t as hard as they seem. Go slow and they are pretty easy to learn. If you’d like to try some DE blade shavettes, let me know. I have some out on loan, and you can try them out next if you want.