The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello. Another Colorado guy here.

Welcome Victor! Glad you could join us!

Very cool that you’ve been dedicated to SR only for so many years!
Bienvenidos! I'm looking forward to seeing your collection of razors. What boars do you have?
What boars do you have?
Two Omegas a 10104 that I used for about 5 years (and it was used when I got it) and an Anniversary edition that I won in a PIF from woodpusher that I've been using since May.
I also have a few synthetics that I use for travel brushes. My favorite among those is a Sterling Tuxedo.
Nice! I guess @woodpusher is alright. 🤪 I like to mix up my brushes with no rhyme or reason. I have 3 That Darn Rob boars, two Whipped Dog boars, and a Stirling boar. I love all of them.
Well the paradox of the boar is that 'the more you use your boar the better it gets' then if you buy more boars because you like the one you're using so much, you end up using each one less.
You ain't lying. I use the Whipped Dogs and Stirling most these days. It's hard to keep using a boar long enough to break them in because of how many brushes I have. 🤣
Glad you found us here and decided to join up.

Look forward to hearing more about your wet shaving experiences as well as other topics on this forum.
Wow! @bluesman , didn’t realize you had such an impact on @ShawnF , and for that I (we) are eternally grateful! Hope you like it here as much as I (we) do. So much friendlier than that other place!