The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Hello. Another Colorado guy here.

Vic!!!! Awesome to see you here!! ..... unless you're responsible for the icky weather we're getting. 🤪
I thought I told you? If I didn't I am extremely sorry. I honestly intended to. Good to see you here either way Victor!
What part of Colorado are you in?
I am in southeastern Colorado. Tiny little town, Swink, Colorado. About 60 miles east of Pueblo on Highway 50. Most people have never heard of Swink. If you are not paying attention you will drive right by it on Hwy50 and not even notice. Where are you in Colorado?
Welcome, so happy to have you here. There certainly are a good number of straight razor guys here but the DE and SE crowd is strong too and they have some cool looking gear that’ll have you tempted to try it out. @Dave in KY hooked me up with a roller bar DE base plate that is mighty cool and he also helped check off a bucket list item, the Weck SE med prep razor so I can go from Sextoblade to SE in a flash.
In case anyone doesn't know, this is the man that instigated my little forging expedition. He was also the biggest help and mentor that I had in my journey. If it wasn't for his knowledge, amazing skills, and willingness to help a dummy with a lot of questions, I'd have never gotten started.
I'm not always the best at keeping in touch with people, but he has my eternal gratitude. He is a hell of a good guy!