The Shaving Cadre

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Guarded Blades?

They literally kicked off their best marketing campaign with hamsters...if that isn’t a scary word about their car quality, I don’t know what is. I half expected to find a wheel inside the engine compartment the first time I opened one up. :ROFLMAO:
they arent that bad of cars my wife used to have a Sorento before she got her jeep....and at least a Kia isnt nearly as bad as the Yugo was, anyone remember those?? alot of their parts were not even bolted in they were held in with GLUE......
I prefer the Kai guarded blade over the Feather. They retain the thinness of a regular blade and can fit in all razors without problems. Some Feather safety razors had problems with them. The Kai also comes in regular or mild versions.
Late to this conversation, but I use the guarded blades in my Kamisori Feather knock-off. They are plenty sharp enough to cut you and I have on a few occasions. I was told they are more forgiving, but I do not know if that is true or not.
I use Feather ProGuards in my Asylum RX SE. I can use the Feather Pro just fine, but the guards give me a little more leeway for when I am whipping through a shave,