The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from Philly, PA!

Welcome to group Jeff! Some very nice razors you have on the go. Good luck on your quest and I am sure you have many more eyes looking on your behalf!
Howdy, welcome to the cadre! What do you think of your modern razors compared to what you started with?
Welcome to the boards! That event is just about two hours from here. It would make a neat day trip!
If you decide to go, PM me. I’m already meeting some friends from other boards who’ll be attending.

Enjoy your shaves,

Welcome to group Jeff! Some very nice razors you have on the go. Good luck on your quest and I am sure you have many more eyes looking on your behalf!
I do! Who knows, maybe I’ll find one at the shave collectibles meetup next month.

Enjoy your shaves,

If you decide to go, PM me. I’m already meeting some friends from other boards who’ll be attending.

Man, I've always wanted to go.... It's just too far away for me, and at a time of the year when I have little free time.