The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from Philly, PA!


TSC's "Velveteen Shaver"
I'm a long-time wet-shaver (I guess that means I'm old) who belongs to and follows a number of forums. I've been shaving with a Krona since 1969, when I bought it for $1.49 in the PX. It served me well for over fifty years until it gave up the ghost this past August. Fortunately, I had already purchased a backup on Ebay, had to pay 10X what I originally paid! Go figure! In any case, about three months ago, my oldest son turned me on to the wet-shaving community and I'm glad he did. I've made a number of friends in various forums and really enjoy the discussions and posts of the SOTD from various participants. I must admit to becoming infected with RAD. I already had my father's old Gillette Slim, and my grandfather's Old Type from his service in WWI. I've since acquired a Brass 1912 Patent 30's era GEM, a Gillette New Gold tone, and three new modern razors with a fourth on order. I shave with both DE and SE razors, but will admit to being on a quest. In fact, that's what led me into this new, wet-shaving hobby. I'm looking for a '75-'76 Schick Gold Tone Centennial Krona. I don't expect to find one anytime soon, but the quest has been fun! I plan on attending the the Shaving Collectibles Meetup in West Chester, Ohio on October 19. Will be meeting a number of online friends there for the first time. I have no plans to ever use a straight as I have Parkinsons, and that condition and straights do not go well together. That's quite a long-winded introduction, but I'm glad to be here, and hope to begin participating.

Enjoy your shaves,

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Let me be the 1st to say, "Welcome to the Cadre" Glad you found us. Grew up in Levittown before moving to TN in 1986 and still have family up there (y)
Let me be the 1st to say, "Welcome to the Cadre" Glad you found us. Grew up in Levittown before moving to TN in 1986 and still have family up there (y)
My father-in-law lives in Pleasant Hill, which is about a seven minute ride from Crossville. Spent a fair bit of time there over the past three years.

Enjoy your shaves,

My father-in-law lives in Pleasant Hill, which is about a seven minute ride from Crossville. Spent a fair bit of time there over the past three years.

Enjoy your shaves,

Yep, I have friends in Crossville (west of Knoxville where I lived for 10 years) Glad to have you aboard here.
@jgreenepa Welcome to the Cadre! I think we have a couple other members around here that are from the Philly area also! I LOVE the gear you already have and look forward to seeing what you get in the future. We are a small forum...but we are a fiercely loyal and friendly bunch of wet shavers. Many of us have either been on or still frequent other forums you are likely to find some friendly names around here. Sit down...grab a chair...and join in on a conversation. Glad to have you here at TSC!
Welcome Jeff! Glad you could join us on your quest for “The Big One”! It’s out there somewhere, with your name on it!

What kind of soaps and other stuff are you enjoying now?
Welcome Jeff! Glad you could join us on your quest for “The Big One”! It’s out there somewhere, with your name on it!

What kind of soaps and other stuff are you enjoying now?
I use a lot of creams, but favorite soaps now are Wholly Kaw's 'King of Oud', Mike's Custom 'Lavender', and have really been enjoying a summer warm weather soap from Stirling, 'Glacial Obsidian'. I use Palmolive, Cremo, Kapo, Hi Feather Gel, and Proraso Cooling creams.

Enjoy your shaves,

Welcome Jeff! I'm contemplating the Ohio event too. Sound interesting.
Yeah, I'm already registered. I'm hoping I'll find my Gold Tone Krona there, but I'm still sure I'll have a good time with the folk there.

Enjoy your shaves,

Welcome, Jeff! Good luck on the quest, brother. I look forward to seeing you around the Cadre
Welcome aboard Jeff. You have some nice stuff! Jump in on some various threads, you won't find a nicer group of guys (and gals) around.
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This is the Ohio event in Jeff is talking about in case anyone is interested:
