The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Greetings from KALAMAZOO, MI

Lowell, MI: Located at the confluence of the Flat River and the Grand River!
Hey @Spider, have you ever noticed that Declaration Grooming products are made in Ferndale, Michigan (Greater Detroit area), but all of Scott's product names and desctiptions seem to have references to places and history in Missouri? Hmmmmmm?
DG soaps are made in MI. But they did collaborations for many of their scents with Chatillon Lux, who is from Missouri. It was CL that provided the scents.... as they do not make their own soaps.
Welcome to the Cadre, Glad to have you here, and as a barber I can concur with your Reuzel is top notch, Use and Sell in the shop as well
Welcome to the Cadre, Glad to have you here, and as a barber I can concur with your Reuzel is top notch, Use and Sell in the shop as well
@BarberDave, I use a number of Reuzel products exclusively and I get them all from my barber! For my pompadour "do" I use the Reuzel Gray for hold, topped off with a bit of Reuzel Blue for shine and finish! The Reuzel grooming and hair tonics are awesome as well. My barber knows the guys from Schorem too! What a hoot!
@MilkCrate, YOU (along with @dmshaver) are the "esteemed colleagues" that led me a stray,... oops, I mean to say, led me here in seach of ETHOS!!!
Indeed, I have been in contact with Mr. @Dragonsbeard so as to purchase a tub of ETHOS Lavender Sepreme goodness!!!
You obviously use the term "esteemed" quite loosely if you're putting me in that category! Seriously though, glad you're here. this is a friendly place with awesome folks!!!! Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Ethos, it's my #1 these days.

Ahhhhh, Bach!!!
As soon as I saw the title, I remembered that scene. It's great!!!
Welcome, Bobby. I favor Lisa's Natural Herbal Creations, CBL Soaps, and Shannon's Soaps. You should give them all a try, I think you'll like them. Enjoy your shaves!