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Gas price wars

I wish I could remember the ol' Bob and Doug McKenzie skit about converting between English and metric units. I only remember something about beers!
I don't know the skit but Remember that sticker on every public toilet 1 gal equals 3.78 liters per flush
This weekend I went to Costco to fill up my truck and gas cans. My truck was approximately 3/4 empty and I had three 5 gallon cans and one 2.5 gallon can. Filled everything up for under $50.00 (it was $47 and some odd cents). Gas was $1.25 a gallon. It seems like Costco and Sam's are sitting at the same price, while everywhere else is around $1.60 gallon around the Baton Rouge area.

I am trying to keep everything I have filled up as much as possible. One, we are entering hurricane season. But also, I expect that when things start opening up again (whenever that might be) there will be lines at the gas lines. Like big huge lines. I saw that any of the oil producing countries are cutting oil production back by historic proportions. To me, that says that in the future, there is likely to be a gas shortage...albeit for only a short period of time.

Low gas prices and low oil production really hits Louisiana hard as energy is a big source of revenue for the state.
Gas in my corner of the Houston area is pretty good too. I paid $2.14/gal for premium. That's less than what I usually pay for regular.