The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Favorite Part(s) of Wet Shaving


TSC Yoda
Concierge Emeritus
What are the things about wetshaving that mean the most to you? Have any ideas about the traditional shaving that have changed since when you started?
I can say for me is that my favorite part are the friendships I’ve made…that this is a unique community and people are so willing to lend a helping hand, offer advice, and provide reviews and recommendations on the products that are available. Most importantly about the friendships is that it doesn’t matter if your gear are cost-friendly items you acquired on Amazon or through your local drugstore or they are extravagant- our community accepts you. I think the Cadre does a fabulous job to be inclusive and fun - as well as offer insights into other hobbies - I can say this place reminds me so very much of Tom’s Barber shop that my dad would take us to in Bethlehem, PA every other Saturday almost 50 years ago. It truly is a community. Our threads are very much like the conversations that went on with all the people in the shop……..except there isn’t a Tom to give me a lemon lime lollipop for sitting still - Barber Dave you’re slacking…..

For me, what has changed is my acceptance of YMMV. I’ve been wetshaving since 2016, but only part of the hobby since late 2019. YMMV used to frustrate the heck out of me! I’d watch a video or read a string and be so confused- “I just want to know - is it the best base, razor, blade, aftershave???? Now I truly appreciate what one person loves may be a different experience for another and I really like hearing from others what it is about X product they like. Along these lines, as my techniques have improved- that has opened the possibilities to so many things - scents, lathers, different types of hardware.
I always like slapping on some after shave. That’s my favorite part. And I prefer alcohol based. As far as what has changed, I don’t buy as many products as I once did. I was never too big on that except for after shaves and I am not a collector so I have given most of it away. A big reason for the change is retirement. I would say I am on a fixed income, but my 50 so years participating in this economy I think it is a misnomer. We all are pretty much on a fixed income at any given time. These days it’s an injector, Omega pro 48, MWF, and bay rum. This I imagine makes me an outlier.
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I always like slapping on some after shave. That’s my favorite part. And I prefer alcohol based. As far as what has changed, I don’t buy as many products as I once did. I was never too big on that except for after shaves and I am not a collector so I have given most of it away. A big reason for the change is retirement. I would say I am on a fixed income, but my 50 so years participating in this economy I think it is a misnomer. We all are pretty much on a fixed income at any given time. These days it’s an injector, Omega pro 48, MWF, and bay rum. This I imagine makes me an outlier.
All part of the club my friend!

and you’re right - IMO that instant you slap on that alcohol based aftershave - it is so part of that ritual that makes us wetshavers … I can‘r tell you what my father used for a cream (other than it came from a can) - but I do remember the aftershave part. Aqua Velva in a glass bottle. And the special moments watching him shave - and shaving with him (without the blade) and putting on the aftershave just so I could be like him - that alcohol shock - the scent - those are the memories that stick with you
All part of the club my friend!

and you’re right - IMO that instant you slap on that alcohol based aftershave - it is so part of that ritual that makes us wetshavers … I can‘r tell you what my father used for a cream (other than it came from a can) - but I do remember the aftershave part. Aqua Velva in a glass bottle. And the special moments watching him shave - and shaving with him (without the blade) and putting on the aftershave just so I could be like him - that alcohol shock - the scent - those are the memories that stick with you
I’ve discussed this before but for me it is the zen like feeling that helped me through the 18 months of my late wife’s terminal illness. The 15 minutes or so of the shave was a brief respite from the difficult days. She is now gone more than 52 months but I can still feel her hand stroking my cheek and hearing her say “wow”. On special days like her birthday or our anniversary I pull out my A4 Red Tip Superspeed as this razor was from her birth quarter and just feels right to use on these special but difficult days.

I had the typical for these forums purchasing spree but nothing too excessive. I have now settled in on one razor for most of my home shaves (Blackland Tradere SB), 8 brushes that I rotate through at home (one was a gift to my father that unfortunately is now mine), MdC soap almost every day (but several more excellent soaps that will see occasional use, and a number of aftershaves. I rotate between five or six different blades that I use for 4 shaves and discard, except for Feathers which I use for 3 shaves.

So what has changed is that I fully understand YMMV and have settled in to what works for me. New purchases are primarily for replacement. I also prefer to deal with vendors that stand behind and care about their products. Two such vendors are Shane at Blackland Razors and Rudy Vey.
I can say for me is that my favorite part are the friendships I’ve made…that this is a unique community and people are so willing to lend a helping hand, offer advice, and provide reviews and recommendations on the products that are available. Most importantly about the friendships is that it doesn’t matter if your gear are cost-friendly items you acquired on Amazon or through your local drugstore or they are extravagant- our community accepts you. I think the Cadre does a fabulous job to be inclusive and fun - as well as offer insights into other hobbies - I can say this place reminds me so very much of Tom’s Barber shop that my dad would take us to in Bethlehem, PA every other Saturday almost 50 years ago. It truly is a community. Our threads are very much like the conversations that went on with all the people in the shop……..except there isn’t a Tom to give me a lemon lime lollipop for sitting still - Barber Dave you’re slacking…..

For me, what has changed is my acceptance of YMMV. I’ve been wetshaving since 2016, but only part of the hobby since late 2019. YMMV used to frustrate the heck out of me! I’d watch a video or read a string and be so confused- “I just want to know - is it the best base, razor, blade, aftershave???? Now I truly appreciate what one person loves may be a different experience for another and I really like hearing from others what it is about X product they like. Along these lines, as my techniques have improved- that has opened the possibilities to so many things - scents, lathers, different types of hardware.
hmmm you want lime lollipops........ Ask the guys about peppermints........ be very afraid..... and rent a storage unit...... I really hope you like lemon lime lollipops,, Muhahahahaha
Initially my favorite part of traditional wet shaving was the traditional part. That old school factor. Shaving the same way (sometimes with the same handed down razor) as my grandfathers did.

Now I would agree more with @Scuttlesoap. The friendships here on The Cadre are by far the best part of this hobby. This place is truly like Cheers, everyone knows your name (all 3 even!) and when you disappear for 5 months and come back, the ribbing starts before the welcome backs end!
It costs a lot, but not as much as motorcycles. I cut myself, but not as much as I do cleaning catfish. I have a lot of friends, but they only like me for my straights and when I spill bourbon into my keyboard. I’ve never had a better shave except that time we don’t talk about… I guess it’s fun, who’d have guessed I’d be so into arts and crafts??
It costs a lot, but not as much as motorcycles. I cut myself, but not as much as I do cleaning catfish. I have a lot of friends, but they only like me for my straights and when I spill bourbon into my keyboard. I’ve never had a better shave except that time we don’t talk about… I guess it’s fun, who’d have guessed I’d be so into arts and crafts??
Oh so that's what you call it.... Irena!!!!!!!
My favorite part of the shave is the Aftershave. I've been through all the ADs, but the aftershave is the only one that truely stuck with me. I also love collecting vintage things, especially non-shaving, but shaving related things like advertising pieces.

Hobby wise, I love the cameraderie that I've developed with those on the forum. I've made better friends here than I have anywhere else, on the internet or in person. The Wet Shaving community is unlike any I've ever been a part of. With few exceptions, everyone is so nice and helpful. There's no heirarchy where the veterans are held at a higher esteen than the newbies. Newbies are not looked down on, and everyone is genuinly helful. Nobody gets jealous of each other's collections and evereone is honestly happy for someone when they acquire new things. There is no distinction between someon who's Shave of the day cost's $2000 because they use the top of the line everything or the beginner or minimalist who's SOTD cost's $10. We are all here for the same thing.

In the dark days of COVID and quarantines The Cadre became even more a home away from home than it already was. For many of us, it became some of the only contact we had with the outside world, and was a chance to conversate with others and even have virtual meetups (Zoom). I think that helped strengthen the bond of those on The Cadre and made this community even more tight knit.

I've met a couple of you in person, and it's like we've known each other forever. I cannot wait for the meetup next year!
My favorite part of the shave is the Aftershave. I've been through all the ADs, but the aftershave is the only one that truely stuck with me. I also love collecting vintage things, especially non-shaving, but shaving related things like advertising pieces.

Hobby wise, I love the cameraderie that I've developed with those on the forum. I've made better friends here than I have anywhere else, on the internet or in person. The Wet Shaving community is unlike any I've ever been a part of. With few exceptions, everyone is so nice and helpful. There's no heirarchy where the veterans are held at a higher esteen than the newbies. Newbies are not looked down on, and everyone is genuinly helful. Nobody gets jealous of each other's collections and evereone is honestly happy for someone when they acquire new things. There is no distinction between someon who's Shave of the day cost's $2000 because they use the top of the line everything or the beginner or minimalist who's SOTD cost's $10. We are all here for the same thing.

In the dark days of COVID and quarantines The Cadre became even more a home away from home than it already was. For many of us, it became some of the only contact we had with the outside world, and was a chance to conversate with others and even have virtual meetups (Zoom). I think that helped strengthen the bond of those on The Cadre and made this community even more tight knit.

I've met a couple of you in person, and it's like we've known each other forever. I cannot wait for the meetup next year!
Well put my friend!
I originally started wet shaving just out of curiosity and really got into the old school aspect of it. I bought my first kit without thinking to search for forums. I then found various forums as I started researching the topic and got deeper into the various aspects.

What I enjoy the most is the shave itself. A tradition that throws me back to a simpler time. A few moments of concentration, relaxation … of zen; before heading out into the world. I will also echo the others in saying that traditional shavers are a different kind of person. Always helpful and encouraging. This is a great forum to be a part of.
I originally started wet shaving just out of curiosity and really got into the old school aspect of it. I bought my first kit without thinking to search for forums. I then found various forums as I started researching the topic and got deeper into the various aspects.

What I enjoy the most is the shave itself. A tradition that throws me back to a simpler time. A few moments of concentration, relaxation … of zen; before heading out into the world. I will also echo the others in saying that traditional shavers are a different kind of person. Always helpful and encouraging. This is a great forum to be a part of.
Fully concur on the zen part as well!
SO many things to like about wet shaving as a hobby, but as a daily routine the variety of fragrances and textures ...and tools is quite nice. Like many of you have already said, I enjoy the alcohol based aftershaves the most. For me, an aftershave MUST come in a glass bottle (heavy is good) and have a sharp, cool bite to it. I cringe at the thought of a lotion or creamy post shave (I simply cant do a regular sunscreen). I came to the hobby in search of the smells I remembered as a child so I would say the smells are what still mean the most to me.
SO many things to like about wet shaving as a hobby, but as a daily routine the variety of fragrances and textures ...and tools is quite nice. Like many of you have already said, I enjoy the alcohol based aftershaves the most. For me, an aftershave MUST come in a glass bottle (heavy is good) and have a sharp, cool bite to it. I cringe at the thought of a lotion or creamy post shave (I simply cant do a regular sunscreen). I came to the hobby in search of the smells I remembered as a child so I would say the smells are what still mean the most to me.
When you're coming up with a scent - do you have an idea in mind - or do you start with one note - and then experiment with adding one or two at a time until the fragrance "becomes"?