A while back on a couple of other forums, word was going around about a new disposable blade razor that could use a half DE, Feather AC, or injector blade similar to the old IBC razor. Unlike the IBC though, this razor was very high quality, high cost, precision made, and very good looking. It was made by a Swiss company called Tedalus and the initial run was of 333 razors. The razor was designed in Switzerland, parts were manufactured in China, QC and final assembly was in Switzerland.

Visually, the razor resembles a Feather DX on steroids, but it is a very different razor. Instead of pinching the top portion of the razor to change blades, one side slides off and a blade is placed in notches on the side piece and then slid back on the razor. This side piece and the blade is held in place by two powerful magnets that will prevent movement (even when you want to take it apart).

First shave was tonight. The first thing I noticed was that despite the long monkey tail, the razor was well balanced and easy to find a natural grip. When I started my passes, I found that the Essence was closer to a regular straight razor than my favorite Feather DX. The thinness of the blade made it extremely easy to get around my face, although I did have some trouble under my nose with the blade being slightly thicker than the DX. I went WTG first then ATG and found out that I did not have to do my usual XTG pass because only minor touch up was needed. That was pretty good for my first shave and definitely looking forward to more shaves to get to know the Essence a little better.

Visually, the razor resembles a Feather DX on steroids, but it is a very different razor. Instead of pinching the top portion of the razor to change blades, one side slides off and a blade is placed in notches on the side piece and then slid back on the razor. This side piece and the blade is held in place by two powerful magnets that will prevent movement (even when you want to take it apart).

First shave was tonight. The first thing I noticed was that despite the long monkey tail, the razor was well balanced and easy to find a natural grip. When I started my passes, I found that the Essence was closer to a regular straight razor than my favorite Feather DX. The thinness of the blade made it extremely easy to get around my face, although I did have some trouble under my nose with the blade being slightly thicker than the DX. I went WTG first then ATG and found out that I did not have to do my usual XTG pass because only minor touch up was needed. That was pretty good for my first shave and definitely looking forward to more shaves to get to know the Essence a little better.