HA! Why yes...yes you can eat B1. Well rather you can eat things with B1 in them. And what has the most bioavailable B1? Pork! Specifically the leaner cuts of pork, because B1 resides in the muscle meat. You can also get it from sunflower seeds, spinach and asparagus. Not nearly as much though...and not nearly as fun to eat. Pork on the other hand is DELICIOUS!!! B1 or Thiamine is a co-enzyme used to produce ATP, the energy currency of the body. Without adequate thiamine, your power levels drop.So You can eat ??
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Almost done with the white rice test...I'll let you know in a bit!I'm curious what white rice will do to ya
Outside of the frenzy of the corn festival, it usually gets chewed.I would expect corn to be carb neutral given how it goes through unchanged
I triple dog dare you!If I get an unmedicated A1C of 5.6, do I get the right foot of fellowship from the Diabetes Fellowship?
Domestic Estrogen Unit?........... and 50yrs BOOM and Bill is dead...By said unit, LOLLook at what the beloved Domestic Estrogen Unit I met almost 50 years ago in High School bought me.
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