The Shaving Cadre

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Daughter getting married!!

Wedding update: The dress is finished!!! That was the biggest hurdle. If anything, my daughter and her mother are happy about how the dress turned out and that's, apparently, all that matters. Only a few more things to finalize (getting all the decorations to the venue, setting them up) and I need to finish my speech. I've decided to keep my comments brief and from the heart. I'm not writing out a full speech but instead a few notes to keep me from rambling and on target with a few good lines. Dinner with the In-laws is in a few days. Here we go!
This is one of the few occasions where it is ok for a father to leak a little bit. But be stoic about it! Don’t go all blubbery like some of us did. 😳
The wedding was a success. My daughter and wife put together a fabulous day. Perfect weather. The dress was beautiful. My daughter was radiant. And not a single part of the day was imperfect in any way. To answer @Majorrich ....yes, I did get a bit leaky during the father/daughter dance. But there was no blubbering. I even got a few laughs during my speech. So that was nice. I'm going to steal a few photos from my daughters facebook page and post here. Soon.