The Shaving Cadre

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Daughter getting married!!


“All Ideas… No Action waka waka ”
My daughter is getting married later this month (March 21st!). It's been like a whirlwind these past two or three months getting everything planned and to have to do all of this in the middle of a pandemic has not been easy but my daughter and my wife have pulled it off. Let's just hope that there's good weather so the outdoor, socially distanced, ceremony isn't spoiled. All I have to do is walk her down the aisle and give a speech during the reception. Oh and pay for all the booze!
....and now I'm going to avoid it. Thanks for the heads up.
My oldest and I were so close and now "He" is her new best friend. "He" is a great guy and loves her very much but I wasn't ready to be kicked to the curb. :cry:
Reports suggest that the dress is nearly finished. My wife finishes the veil tonight (its covered in flowers...very Victorian...I'm told). Its getting serious around here. My speech is about half written. So my job is almost completed. But you can sense the extra tension in my household. I wait outside each room I'm about to enter for a moment in case there's someone inside looking to vent some aggression at the next person that enters the room. Happiness is the order of the day.....but a meltdown is impending.....and I'm determined to miss that moment. T-11 days
Yeah...the son in law has the shotgun. I'm better with a stare-down. He's been really respectful over the years. So need to really intimidate him.
Just remember we're all here for you if you need any extra intimidation of "him"..;):LOL: