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Cut the Cord


“Ya… Chris, Dave, It really is my fault"
Well got in an argument about two weeks ago with Dish Network trying to increase my rate my $60 a month. Then the solution was less programming.

Well I've been in the process of officially cutting the cord. Purchases an Nvidia Shield and have figured out the sports thing. And with all our streaming options we should be good to go. Adding up the prices of our streaming we are saving $45 a month not bad.
I'm not a fan of DN and their aggressive advertising. The Shield looks pretty cool. I've been thinking about getting one but decided on building an HTPC instead so the kids can game.
I haven’t had cable in almost 10 years, and I don’t miss it at all. Whenever I am somewhere and commercials come on it annoys me to no end now.
I had been using PlayStation Vue but they are going out of business the end of the month. We got a Fire Stick and finding a plethora of programming. I’m going to have to pull another data cable to this end of the house. (Cat 5e won’t deliver the speed I’m paying for) I bought cat 8 cable, but came up 5 feet short with the pull. So I’m grabbing some cat 6 from a friend.
I had been using PlayStation Vue but they are going out of business the end of the month. We got a Fire Stick and finding a plethora of programming. I’m going to have to pull another data cable to this end of the house. (Cat 5e won’t deliver the speed I’m paying for) I bought cat 8 cable, but came up 5 feet short with the pull. So I’m grabbing some cat 6 from a friend.

That was one thing I had to do was run the cable. I pay for 1gig fiber internet. I have no buffering issues which is nice now that i have a reliable connection at all times
Sweet! I was speaking in tongues when my cat 8 came up short. Had to then use it to pull the old cable back. At least I can make a mess of patch cables😜. It’s neat that each pair is individually shielded then the whole thing is double shielded!
Way to go. I’m certain cable of any kind will be knocked out of business soon enough to subscription services anyway...until the market becomes too saturated with subscriptions, then they’ll start consolidating again under larger umbrellas.

We have Netflix, Disney+, and standard Prime Video.
I wanted to get the local channels so was sort of forced into youtube tv. But it is pretty good for 40. Then I found another free service to get my MeTV.
When we cut out cable the guy at the cox store actually straight up told me the company is starting to prefer internet only or internet and phone. Network contracts are killing their ability to make much from cable but they don't have to deal with any of that as an ISP
I’m not cutting very aggressively yet but we are employing Roku and Netflix and have reduced the cable package as well as removed boxes from tv’s. I even pulled the box from my office and went roku to access the cable channels (which is the most I can do).
I can definitely see the shift to streaming AND I can see the baseline price of streaming services being driven down. Disney+ being free for a year with Verizon wireless and Apple doing the same has effectively set the lowest price at $0. The pinch is going to be internet service. Once they hook us on more streaming services and addict our kids to data they are going to own our wallets.

I think this thread is a great resource for those looking to cut the cord. Keep sharing your solutions to the little things that keep you hooked to cable.
Great Move Chad! I know you were concerned about watching Jazz games. I'm not a huge NBA guy so it didn't really affect me. I am doing Hulu+ and honestly...going from a cable package with over 300 channels and a bunch of premium stuff and moving to Hulu...I haven't skipped a beat. If there is a show that I cant get...there are so many streaming options out there. Pay for a month of whatever channel and then cancel. None of the streaming services have contracts and you can binge your show and then move on. That Nvidia device is pretty robust. I might be taking a look at it. You will have to give us details later!
I haven't had cable in 23 years. We watch local programming that we can pick up with a digital antenna and use my in-laws' cable network code to watch streaming stuff like the History Channel and Discovery Channel. I've never missed it. A la cart programming was the answer for cable companies but they got greedy and refused to just let people pay for what they wanted. I knew a higher up in the cable network locally and he said that the reason you get 100 sports channels you don't need is that THEY get paid to put them on. If you only paid for the 3 sports channels you wanted, they would lose money from the networks that pay them to carry all 100. A la carte means they'd lose payments up front and they weren't willing to risk it.

Imagine if you could just pay for History, Discovery, and 2 sports channels.......with a bill of $30 a month......yeah, they don't want that.

Funny story......when I lived in the city a guy from the local cable company was sniffing around my the half a house I was renting so I came out and asked him if there was a problem. He said "Yeah buddy, you don't have cable hooked up." I told him I couldn't afford cable and he looked at me like I was some idiot and said "Man, how can you not have cable dude?" I then told him I haven't had it for over 10 years and he just shook his head and said if I ever wanted it to give them a call. Honestly, whenever I'm at my parents' house and see the 400 channels they get with dish network I see most of it is crap I would never watch. In the end it's just entertainment and I have a lot of primitive skills that keep me entertained.
That Nvidia device is pretty robust. I might be taking a look at it. You will have to give us details later!

My friend is a big time nerd about all this stuff. I told him I want to be able to watch all major sporting events (world series, superbowl, etc), college football primarily Utes and Notre Dame, Utah Jazz, and the occasional NFL game. That is all we really needed for live tv. HE helped get me set up, and in the last week while an adjustment it is working well! Literally all I was paying dish for was a DVR and like you said I can get those shows from other sources.