The Shaving Cadre

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Cricut machine- anyone have one?

I just read something locally about a number of house fires attributable to cricut machines. The Fire Marshall’s advice was to always unplug an unattended machine.

Stay safe and happy new year to all.
How did the circut go over?
To be honest she is quite pleased to have it available but is so overwhelmed by all the stuff it does and the visual components she is nearly paralyzed. She opened the top of the box today but I don’t think she got past the little box on top that says “open me first” ...I don’t think she opened that box yet. I did load the required program on her iPad and set up her account on line. She has the materials she needs for the projects I know she was going g to ask someone else to do so I think she just needs some alone time to dig in. ...but that will mean I will need to move the coats to the elliptical

@SM29 house fires attributed to cricuts? Fortunately I know hers will be stored in a roll-away work unit and used in a different location. We have a wonderful ‘craft room’ that is missing its ROOM.
I know this update post comes out of nowhere but I figured I would provide an updated now that we are a good 5 months into the year and my wife has had time to explore her new Cricut ...and take over MY soap lab in the process. First things first, a big thank you to @MrsNurseDave for the recommendation.

My wife has taken very nicely to the new machine and all that it can do. She has used it to cut paper lanterns and made dozens of creative iron on shirt decorations. She has done a bunch of stuff for my son’s wedding (that was supposed to be this weekend but has been rescheduled due to COVID Restrictions). She learned that the regular iron wasn’t going to cut it and ordered the fancy press to make the iron stuff actually stay (a unique concept). She also ended up buying a new sewing machine to compliment the cricut wife learned quickly just buying a new sewing machine doesn’t change the fact she can’t sew. I was fortunate enough to be able to get my old seamstress to come out from Las Vegas to show her a few things (and get some much needed alterations done in the process). Now my wife is able to whip out just about anything she can dream up.