The Shaving Cadre

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Cold water shaves

Well we went to Greece this summer and I started eating a lot of Greek Kalamata olives, soon after starting to eat them everyday, it seems my rash has pretty much disappeared. It's total knock on wood situation, but what ever it is I'll take it, the rash sucks.

Interesting. Aren't out bodies amazing! For one guy methol gives him a sunburn and for another it's cool and refreshing. For you, olives cure your skin issues. Pretty neat.

Glad Freddy Kruger isn't staring back at you in the ballet mirror :cool: Wait.......ballet mirror, we gotta hear something about that
Interesting. Aren't out bodies amazing! For one guy methol gives him a sunburn and for another it's cool and refreshing. For you, olives cure your skin issues. Pretty neat.

Glad Freddy Kruger isn't staring back at you in the ballet mirror :cool: Wait.......ballet mirror, we gotta hear something about that

The olives are the only thing I can think of that's changed, so my best guess as to why.

I won't go into ballet here, but put some stuff in my shave journal if you're interested.
I've been primarily using cool water for just over a year and I can't say that it's been night and day difference for me, but it works. It gets a little harder to do during the summer, though.
I do both. It all depends on the mood I am in that day. Mostly, I go with cool water to make my lather, hot water to rinse the blade and a room temp rinse.