The Shaving Cadre

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Coffee Roast Levels and the AeroPress.

I do similar to this, except i dont use the scoop, i use 13-15g. Ive been using mayorga (MD based) medium roasted beans from costco. I wait 90 secs or so before de-invert.

My imprecise method -
  • Pour one level scoop (the one that comes with the Aeropress) of coffee into inverted Aeropress
  • Fill ⅓ with barely-not-boiling-anymore water
  • Stir, wait 30 seconds
  • Fill the rest of the way
  • Stir
  • Put filter and lid on
  • Wait 30 seconds
  • Turn over onto cup and press
  • Add hot water to taste

If you could scientifically prove an opinion, there'd be nothing to discuss anymore and all online forums would fold within a week! :D
I use a med-fine grind for the aero press and water that reached a boil and then has stopped bubbling. Depending on my mood I use 1 or 2 of the scoops it comes with of while beans which then go into the hand grinder(my at work setup). My preferred roast is pretty much a full city and I roast my own. That was where the single largest leap in my enjoyment of coffee was made. The fresher the better.