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Coffee Roast Levels and the AeroPress.


“TSC’s Happy Hogan”
For those who use an AeroPress regularly, what is your preferred coffee bean roast level with which to brew? With which beans (brand, origin, etc.) have you had the best results? For me (so far) it's a blend of medium & dark roast Colombian, very fine, nigh espresso grind and water temp 185° ~ 190°. I also use two filters at a time to get a cleaner brew.

I get my water temp to 188. I use a fresh roasted, best flavor so far was from Peru to medium roast. I use one filter
Wow, you guys are technical. I just wait until there are no more bubbles in my kettle.
One dry filter, inverted method. I prefer a fine grind, too. Any roast level is fine.
Wow, you guys are technical. I just wait until there are no more bubbles in my kettle.
One dry filter, inverted method. I prefer a fine grind, too. Any roast level is fine.
Thanks Aaron, I was thinking I'll never do Aeropress with detail like that being required
I'm not sure the brewing method has much to do with my roast preferences. I prefer light and medium roasts. It's the grind that's more important to me for the Aeropress. Coarse grind. Too fine and it doesn't press well.

I read an article a while ago about using coarser grinds and slightly less grounds to produce a scientifically proven superior taste. It does seem to work well for me.
Thanks Aaron, I was thinking I'll never do Aeropress with detail like that being required
My imprecise method -
  • Pour one level scoop (the one that comes with the Aeropress) of coffee into inverted Aeropress
  • Fill ⅓ with barely-not-boiling-anymore water
  • Stir, wait 30 seconds
  • Fill the rest of the way
  • Stir
  • Put filter and lid on
  • Wait 30 seconds
  • Turn over onto cup and press
  • Add hot water to taste

scientifically proven superior taste.
If you could scientifically prove an opinion, there'd be nothing to discuss anymore and all online forums would fold within a week! :D
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I do a medium grind. I also mostly make cappuccinos with my aero so that dictates my bean choice. I like a blend of Brazilian, Costa Rica and Sumatra brought to full city +(I like the Carmel noted).
Based on the posts here, I'm adjusting my grind a little finer. I've been using a pretty coarse grind.
Here's one of the articles on that study, and the link to the study itself for those who are interested.

You're a student now, @NurseDave . Get used to reading all kinds of detailed stuff that don't really apply in the real world way of doing things.
BTW there will be a test later. 🤓
Newfs are mainly tea drinkers. Except for the young'uns (anyone under 40) as they're ruined by never having to have used an outhouse, draw water from a well, chop wood for the stove, or skin a moose.
Newfs are mainly tea drinkers. Except for the young'uns (anyone under 40) as they're ruined by never having to have used an outhouse, draw water from a well, chop wood for the stove, or skin a moose.
Ya but do they drink pumpkin spice Chai lattes?
I've done the inverted method exactly twice. Way too much chance of a major disaster in my office.