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Clearing Shave Product Scents before a Fragrance?


"TSC's Bingo Admiral"
I'm looking for some help with my post-shave routine and scents. I'm lucky enough to have several different soaps and creams of all different scents in my den. I like being able to use all these different scented soaps, and the daily choice of which to use and the variety between them brings me joy.

But, when it comes time to walk out of the door, I really just want my EDP to be what you can smell on me. I only have 2 signature scents that I regularly wear, a warm weather and a cold weather based on the time of year. I've read on other forums to not worry about the shaving soap/cream scent because it goes away quickly, but I've found that some linger for 4+ hours depending on the scent strength. Also some create a very unpleasant clash to my nose (and more importantly to my wife's).

What do people do to help "clear the way" for your fragrance after you shave? Do you just try to match the shaving scents to your fragrance, or just avoid the heavier scented shave products? I feel a bit like I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too, but I was wondering if anybody had wisdom they could share on the topic.
I generally try to ballpark the scent and match frags accordingly. For the most part soap scents will always dry down to skin level scents very quickly. So I usually don’t have to worry about that affecting the frag by the time I’m done with my final cold water rinse and witch hazel application.

Aftershaves are a different story of course. Most of the ones I enjoy are strong enough to noticeably last for at least a couple hours. If I’m set on using a particular frag, I’ll only use a very light AS or one that will compliment the scent.

Really, the scent strength of your products dictates everything. Once some scents absorb into your skin, it’s difficult to “clear” them. Only really time or a more overpowering layered scent can do that.
i cut all my ASLs with WH.. i can still smell the scent, but if i wanted it to be low layered, it's be easy to just change the dilution. some need more dilution than others.
i cut all my ASLs with WH.. i can still smell the scent, but if i wanted it to be low layered, it's be easy to just change the dilution. some need more dilution than others.
This is true! I generally don’t do it myself but it’s an option!
My bad, i read OPs request wrong. I absolutely use WH only after my shave and it seems to get rid of any scent, or so I’ve noticed.

there is also Lucido, just seems harder to get than WH.

THEN if I want an ASL, i drop a bit of it into a splash of WH (again) since i dont want my ASL to be my scent usually before i apply my edt/p/et
I rarely wear cologne, and prefer a heavily scented aftershave. Most of my aftershaves I can smell throughout the day. But, if I do plan on wearing a cologne, I'll usually just use an aftershave which is very light, or one that I know the scent will burn off quickly, like 4711.
Right now I typically use the very lightly scented Trumpers Lime Skinfood, which helps my face feel good, and doesn’t add much scent-wise. OTOH it doesn’t do anything to get rid of the shaving soap/cream scent either.
Would something like an unscented Thayers do the trick or is there another specific type of Witch Hazel that people like?
or is there another specific type of Witch Hazel that people like?
I really have no preference in WH. I've used most brands and barely see a difference between them. Thayers has other stuff in it, so it's more than just a WH and you have an option of scents, but the rest are pretty much the same.