The Shaving Cadre

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Christmas Shave gifts?

Anyone receive shaving gear for Christmas? Any new razors under the tree?
I received some gift cards that will be used for shaving stuff.
Got some great CBL Soap from the gift exchange on here. Nothing from the wife as she thinks I have too much stuff as is.
My wife and I promised to just do one very small gift this year, our big one will be in a week or so when we upgrade our phones.

She got me a nice tube of Harry’s Eucalyptus shaving cream...smells great!
I got a trimmer for my goatee and it came with a fairly heavy tech called the plow. I also got a stellar Fatip Piccolo from the gift exchange here!
My son used his 3D printer to print a straight razor display pad and a new stamp for my CBL Soap. The razor display pad didn’t turn out as planned so he’s going to try again. The stamp needs a little clean up but will see some action on the new year. Other than those and the gift from my gift exchange buddy I got non-Shave related stuff.
I got a flair tip from Rich. And 2 new Paladins, a tub of Winter from Oz and the soaps sample set from Oz from my wife.
Much like John, my wife thinks that I have too much stuff. No shaving related presents except from my buddy here.
I got some wonderful soap and a mint condition birth year Black Beauty adjustable from my exchange buddy.

Then at my in-laws today, my father in law came out and set this on the table in front of me. He told me that it was his dad's and to take it and add it to my collection.

Damn Dave! From 0 to 3 Paladins in a month! You know of course that means January has to be bigger and better!
Erica spoiled me this year!

Wild West Brushworks 2 band badger
Oz Shaving Co.: Winter & Tik Tok soap/AS sets
Stirling aloe & witch: hazel tea tree and glacial wintergreen
Stirling AS samples: Almond Creme, Eucalyptus Mint, Vanilla Sandalwood, Christmas Eve
Stirling gift card.

Easily the nost shave related stuff she’s ever given me lol.
