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Celebrating the Fourth of July 2019


I Blame Dave
Most US holidays are religious (holy-days) in nature or days set aside to remember the actions of one or more important people or groups of people. July 4th is a little different in that it is a day set aside to celebrate the birth of our nation. The birth of a nation (our nation ) sounds like a simple event but it isn't and it wasn't...that is what makes it so worthy of celebration. The United States was born of an idea, shared by many, that our creator has endowed all men (men being an all inclusive word not a gender specific word) with certain inalienable rights that no government could or should deny them. Among the rights specifically enumerated by our countries founders were the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. At the time the Untied States of America was formed the concept of "self government" or "of the people, by the people, for the people", was quite foreign. of course the idea that any government anywhere in the world would infringe on a citizens individual freedoms or rights seems downright intolerable. While celebrating the birth of our nation we will of course remember those who gave so much to ensure our citizens enjoy the rights and freedoms we enjoy and it's hard not to honor those who have given everything so that citizens of countries around the world might enjoy the same rights and freedoms ...but the 4th of July is a day of celebration the freedoms we enjoy.

How do YOU celebrate the 4th of July?
Beyond spending the day Bar-b-queing poolside yy family doesn't have a fixed or traditional way of celebrating the 4th of July. We have gone camping in the past but the crowds have grown so much that is no longer fun. I don't like to fight the crowds for the sake of being close to the fireworks so we usually stay home and swim all day then watch what we can from our driveway. I enjoy the sound more than the lights and there is usually plenty of sound from my driveway. I'd like to say Hot dogs and apple pie were our goto foods but I usually try to smoke a pork butt or tri-tip. This year I have beef and pork ribs with corn on the menu. I also have a large bolognia (@Cvargo recommended this) ready to go in the smoker). We usually have some good country music blaring from the speakers in the backyard (and our neighbors on 2 sides will too) so the smell of smoke and music will fill the air long before the sparkle of fireworks. At home fireworks of any kind are outlawed in our city but our neighbors usually spend several days prior to and after the 4th launching full size fireworks into the air. We usually stick to the sparklers, which are also technically illegal EXCEPT the ones we get are sold for use at weddings soooo.
Several years ago I was in a community theater production of 1776. But, generally my brothers and I trade about and visit and watch their city 4th fireworks. We watched the fireworks from Chicago’s Navy pier last year, so this year the much more sedate small town display that I can see from my own driveway. Meal wise it’s been brats and beans for years. With local sweet corn when I can get it.
We keep it pretty low key honestly. Simple BBQ at the house and then about $50 worth of fireworks from the stand. Well this year my dad bought a smoker and wants me to teach him the way. So he bought a bone pork shoulder, some corn, Jalapenos for poppers, and a bologna chub.

So we will be at their house.

Also if anyone has not smoked a bologna chub you are really missing out!
You can’t have a wood fire while camping but you can pyro blast your face off? It’s amazing the areas around us that sell fireworks (to benefit particular youth charities mostly) while every location surrounding those areas has outlawed the use and possession of any kind of “firework”. You would think it’s in the name of fire prevention but i’m Not so sure anymore. The only things that burn these days are the houses (garages) of the guys who are playing with fireworks inside to avoid detection. Our zoning requires all open spaces and fields to be mowed to dirt level so when the wind blows the dirt in the air sand blasts the paint from our cars and clogs our air filters..

Now I want a box of whistling pete’s
Mountains are a totally different beast. Light a firework up there the fine can up to a million dollars and all fire fighting costs of a forest fire happens. Without fail though someone lights the field on fire near our house either on the 4th or 24th (the day mormons came to Utah. It's called pioneer day. Us none mormoms call it pie and beer day... Guess what we do?)
As a kid my parents would take my sister and I to South Philly. The Phillies were almost always home on the 4th and would have a fireworks display after the game. Now we go to either my parents’ or in-law’s and BBQ while listening to the Philly classic rock station. They always do a countdown of some sort. I think this year it’s a top 500 list. We usually still get to see a small fireworks display that’s done locally as well.
Though I am not American I celebrate the 4th of July by emailing all my US buddies, BBQ and a quiet drink. I joined the Canadian Forces on July 4th...first day open for swearing in after Canada Day (July 1st)...I spent 17 years there and I spent some of that time serving with my US counterparts in many a crappy spot around the globe. So as I will be travelling on July 4th this year to my nations capital I once again will be raising a quiet drink to those still serving, those whose light shown bright but have since past and those to come who will take up the sword when the time comes on both sides of our border. Happy Independence Day!
Though I am not American I celebrate the 4th of July by emailing all my US buddies, BBQ and a quiet drink. I joined the Canadian Forces on July 4th...first day open for swearing in after Canada Day (July 1st)...I spent 17 years there and I spent some of that time serving with my US counterparts in many a crappy spot around the globe. So as I will be travelling on July 4th this year to my nations capital I once again will be raising a quiet drink to those still serving, those whose light shown bright but have since past and those to come who will take up the sword when the time comes on both sides of our border. Happy Independence Day!
That’s cool
That’s cool
Just a bunch of old soldiers getting together with the families to share some good (old as hell) stories and count how many of the hairs we got left have gone a little whiter! Anyway I hope everyone enjoys a very wonderful holiday surrounded by those you hold dear.
Going to a friend's 4th of July get together. I'll be bringing some BBQ over to go with whatever else they have. Around hear the Native reservation is just down the hill a few miles. So while fireworks are illegal in the city limits. They have been going off everynight around my neighborhood. I guess they are just warming of for the 4th is all.

On the night of the 4th you get a pretty good display. Just hanging out here at the house.

The 4th has always been a day I look forward too.

I'd also like to thank all those that have served our country.
Our church has a float on the small town parade. After my family will do a cook out and a bonfire. It is suppose to warm up so I have orders to have the above ground pool all set to go (so far it has only warmed to 68°). Will wrap things up with fireworks that they town shoot out over harbor.
As a kid in Oklahoma we always had a big family get together at my grand parents. Lots of great food and fun and fireworks after dark. (routinely set of my uncles truck alarm with the mortars😁 ).

After moving to Tucson we normally just watch the Fireworks display that is put on by the city(paid for by donations of several well to do members of the community). They launch the from the top of 'A' Mountain and can be seen from a high point almost anywhere in Tucson.


Sadly this year i am working so my wife is going to Sierra Vista to watch a display with her family, but i can normally see fireworks through a couple cameras here at the office
Probably going to see fireworks tonight. The Air Force Base is putting on a show tonight, and the neighboring town has one tomorrow. The Base has an event with food, fishing derby, music, and petting zoo & inflatables for the kids. A huge picnic leading up to the fireworks. So may go to some of that.

Tomorrow, not sure what I'm doing. Amber has something planned. It's a surprise. But I think I figured out we're going to a movie... I think maybe the new Spider-Man.