The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun


I figure I probably spent more last year. Than the 2 years prior to that.

I guess I did it to change things up a bit and stock up on some blades that were a good deal.

Going into this year. I realize I don't need anything shaving wise. All my purchases are wants.

Plus I'm kinda running out of space in the den.

This is my new way to justify purchases. Must use up what I have before I replace.

I just ordered a tub of CBL. So I will be removing 1 soap and using it in the shower. To make room for the CBL.
Two things that ended my SAD that was quite bad for 3-4 years. 1- finding a soap brand that I fell in love with. 2- finally realizing that new soap bases and scents will always be coming out, and it appears that it will never stop. If I didn’t finally put the brakes on buying the latest and greatest, I would be spinning out of control indefinitely. It was a sobering moment that I am grateful for.
Like most things I buy, I don’t have a formal budget set for my shaving related items BUT I do have personal limits on what I will pay for individual items. The limits will depend somewhat on the item itself as well as my overall financial condition at the time. Fortunately, I have amassed a ton of gear over the years so I want for very little today. I am also in a position where I can sell off a portion of my collection and use the proceeds to buy NEW stuff. ...I haven’t done this in a while but it’s a good idea in theory. The idea of combining a personal budget with pass-arounds, selling or trading old to get new and making use of forum BST to get the most of your budget is something I support.

I treat many aspects of the things associated with wet shaving as a hobby, similar to how others might treat classic cars or bowling. I get a lot of enjoyment from the things I do and the things I collect so it’s not simply “excessive consumption” for me.
I'm not on a budget, but have gotten to the point where I figured out that I have what I need (and have the next 10 years of shaving covered!), so I don't have any itch to acquire new gear. I'm probably the exception to the rule. That said, one thing I've found is that the gear you've already acquired should be considered as part of your budget. All of that stuff is ripe for trading, and the only thing it will cost you is shipping. What's more, you get to trade with really great members of the community, too. Total win-win in my book.
I'm not on a budget, but a very short leash. 😞😂
If I cross an unknown line I have been assured some of my stuff will go in the garbage. "Since it was apparently not good enough"
Welcome Juno! Start a thread in the Newbie & Welcome Forum and introduce yourself!
Except for the shipping costs it would be cool to have a purchasing group where someone would but new soaps then divide them up into the like 6 smaller containers and share with 5 other folks that all split the cost. I love getting the new stuff, but certainly 10 shaves worth will last a year or two or more of one particular soap.
That is an outstanding idea. (y)