The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun



Shave Member
So I am new to this forum sight. I had a friend from Badger and blade that referred me to it. I 1st want to say how happy I am from this sight. Very informative people. And look forward to future friends.
But to get to the point. I am not new to wet shaving. Been doing it 3 years. I started just abusing my purchases, then wife told me to watch it. Did but started again. Then it got to be deceiving to her. Long story ending good is I am on a 25 buck a month budget.
I do not know everyone's financial status or care to know, but to me I wish I had done this when I started. I usually strongly recommend this to new WS.
Please do not joke at this matter. Yes being married has its +/-. But the + is much much much better then the -.
I am just curious if anyone has a budget,or had a budget? Or had a problem like I did? or has a current problem.
I do not need pictures.
I do sell items to make a bit of money to try new stuff and If I do not like it will sell it. I usually flag items I sell and later say why did I sell that. Then that is a item I really want in my den so I will purchase it again.
Ok thanks for the great posts I have read so far. And look forward to future posts.
Take care.
Sorry you had to learn that lesson the hard way. You’re right, the benefits of a life with the person you love the most far outweigh the negatives.

As for shaving, I am also on a “budget”. My circumstances only really allow a couple purchases a year (one reasonably large and one or two small), with her knowledge. The rest of the year I try (and mostly succeed) to not make any purchases at all.

For instance, this year I already have made my large purchase (Blackland Vector). I will probably pick up an order of soaps, maybe a frag if I’m lucky, and that’ll be that for the year. I do need to use more of what I already have.

Moderation is a good thing!
For the 1st 8 years of shaving this way I had limited gear for shaving. I then got to a different place and have been on a tear with purchases for nearly 2 years but am ratcheting back to lean towards moderation and enjoying what I have. Doesn't mean there won't be purchases again in the future but I'm seeking to be more selective and hope I'm successful. This is part of the reasoning in me doing the "S" thing this year. I may not succeed all year but if it helps me at least slow the tide, I'm heading in the right direction. My reputation is why so few see me succeeding and rib me about it and that's fine and all in good fun. This should be enjoyed and the enabling taken with a grain of salt. We all joke about it but at the end of the day, we want and expect people to not do anything that would be detrimental to a family's relationships or finances. Congrats on making a stand. So @gobucks5485 if it's okay to ask. What kind of selection of soap,razors and blades do you have and what scents do you lean towards?
I'm totally on a budget as well. It's not a stated x€/month one, but I know there's a limit to what I can get and am totally fine with it.
(Until @Dave in KY taunts me with that Vector.)

I'm a bit more like GearNoir I make some larger purchases once a year, when we visit my home in California. And then just small stuff here an there otherwise.
I'm totally on a budget as well. It's not a stated x€/month one, but I know there's a limit to what I can get and am totally fine with it.
(Until @Dave in KY taunts me with that Vector.)

I'm a bit more like GearNoir I make some larger purchases once a year, when we visit my home in California. And then just small stuff here an there otherwise.
See my reputation. Didn't even get my post up before I'm thrown under the bus..........I'm under the bus here, but holding my Vector tightly with both hands 😂 😂😂
Wife and I have a fixed amount monthly that we each can spend, no questions asked and no judgment should (...I don’t care if I several brushes and pocket knives already... :LOL:) be imposed, within reason of morality of purchases. Can it be a little more at times? Sure. But we try not to. More of a way to keep our spending in checks and balances and NOT get out of control.
I told my wife I would SAVE money. Now she reminds me that I am not saving money.

Purchasing for me slows down for sure. But what worked for me was of course budgeting it, it came out of my personal hobby budget. I will not allow myself to go into debt for a hobby.
I'm a little like you. Probably bought more than I should at some points. Wife got PO'd at me a couple of times. I don't have a budget per se...but this is what I do.

First of all, I am trying to work through the products I have. I have a lot of really good stuff already.

Realize that no matter the new scent profile or the new soap maker or the new aftershave, etc...there will always be a product out there that is similar to that new thing.

Realize that with the explosion of new shaving products...there is absolutely no way you will be able to keep up with everything.

Save purchases for REALLY good deals or things you ABSOLUTELY have to have.

Purchase sparingly. It's easier to explain to your wife about the Soap and Aftershave set if the last purchase you made was four or five months ago and not two weeks ago.

These things have really helped me out over the past year and a half. I may not have all the soaps I want...but I still have more than plenty to keep me going for a very long time.

Anyway...just my two cents worth.
I'm on a tight budget. I don't spend any household money on shaving things. I usually ask for money for birthdays and anniversary which is the bulk of my spending. I also will sell things off to help offset anything new. I'm lucky that I don't chase the latest scents as this seems like where a bulk of cash seems to go to.
I have never had a budget, but once I am off the "S" thing I really need to institute one for myself. We need to replace my car in the near future. It is over 100,000 miles and starting to run rough. I hope it has a couple of years left in it, but you never know. Every shaving purchase that I make puts that car purchase further off.
I lean towards moderation and I don’t have a set budget. But, we are a single income household and have a modest income. That dictates how we live. Like John, I will gather cash where I can to save up for purchases. I tend to buy just a few things a year and I don’t chase the new “must have” products.
I tend to spend more than I should. It's a hobby with a lot of opinions, and they are all relational. You can easily get caught up in the hype / hope.

I definitely need to cut back. I think I've been saying that for a while now (been here for 2 months and I came into the Cadre with that mentality).

I'm not into the stringent "S" thing, But I definitely need to get away from the "$" thing, too. Maybe we need a budget-minded support group? Lol.
Except for the shipping costs it would be cool to have a purchasing group where someone would but new soaps then divide them up into the like 6 smaller containers and share with 5 other folks that all split the cost. I love getting the new stuff, but certainly 10 shaves worth will last a year or two or more of one particular soap.
Except for the shipping costs it would be cool to have a purchasing group where someone would but new soaps then divide them up into the like 6 smaller containers and share with 5 other folks that all split the cost. I love getting the new stuff, but certainly 10 shaves worth will last a year or two or more of one particular soap.
Or frags.
Except for the shipping costs it would be cool to have a purchasing group where someone would but new soaps then divide them up into the like 6 smaller containers and share with 5 other folks that all split the cost. I love getting the new stuff, but certainly 10 shaves worth will last a year or two or more of one particular soap.
That really is a good ideal. The shipping really would be the burden. But maybe you/me whoever can come up with a plan?.
I can't say that I'm on a budget, but only recently did I start to realize that it's gotten out of control. With the exception of the Vector, I don't plan on making too many more purchases. I have plenty of awesome products overflowing in my bathroom. One of the things that helped was realizing that there's always going to be something new and I don't have to buy everything instantly. It's okay to miss out on stuff because the "greatest thing ever" cycle starts over every couple of months.
I'm not on a budget, but I've got an inventory spreadsheet that has a very large number associated with my purchases. Looking to lower that number by selling/PIFing/using things up.
It was doing something similar that prompted me to evaluate what I was doing. And all the stuff, trying to figure out how to rotate it all. Finally, I sold or gave away stuff. Now I have a small amount of stuff that gives me great shaves. It is fun to read about what others have found, but I have to hide my wallet or I'll buy more razors, brushes, soaps,... You get the idea!

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