The Shaving Cadre

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Brush biology...

Thank you Eric, totally agree i need to try these out to establish a preference. It really is all down to your own 'feel' for these.
I don't have a cashmere nor timberwolf - i really don't want a floppy brush, i'd like there to be something there.
Eventually i will buy a cashmere but for now i think i'm gonna stick with the timberwolf.
Thanks again, i will be in touch soon!
I found that by setting the knot a little deeper in a hole that is 1-2mm larger than the knot diameter I can reduce the springiness and even the feel of the backbone. I don't mind backbone but my wife really dislikes it when I use a springy brush (lather on the roof and rear wall really confuses her).
That was a very informative write-up Josh. I learned quite a bit from it. Thanks for taking the time to write it.