Some how this thread has turned negative. The purpose of this was to enlighten and draw back the veil so that more people would be drawn into the joy that is BINGO.
The question of Time Travel has been raised and it is my privilege to shine light into the dark places.
The idea of Time travel in Bingo is an simple one. All the calling techniques discussed already apply but (and this is a huge but) these calls are applied to a post that is at least a day old. The TSC masters have endowed the Bingo callers with the power to edit past post. You normal people can only edit posts for up to 15 minutes but the Bingo caller has been allowed to power to edit posts for several days. So all you have to do is look back and find a post that has been edited the day of the call.
Here is an example to simplify things:
I have hidden a call in a post. I have used my time travel powers to go back a day to edit a post from yesterday.
Here is the link to the real post
Really though I am 86-1 for soaps...I will wear the Sni Mato as the 1 that really smells foul initially. :cry:
But I will post a picture of the post here so you can follow along:
The first thing is to look at the bottom corner. Do you see the edited tag in the bottom right corner (I have circled it in blue to make it easy. The red circle shows you that the post was from yesterday but it is edited today. This should alert a vigilant bingo player that something is up. Upon closer inspection you will find that a link has been added (Once again I have made this simple by circling the link in green). By clicking the link the call will be revealed.
Go ahead and go to the link above and find and then click the link...... It is ok I will wait. Did you find it? Yes, good. You have just completed a Time traveled call. Easy right.
A Time traveled call is just like any other call except it is places in an older post. If you just look for the edited tag in the bottom corner you can be a bingo master.
See how easy Bingo can that you know the secret!
Until next time I return with more BINGO SECRETS REVEALED.