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Bingo Game #63 - Traditional Bingo

What is the smallest perfect number as described in number theory?

The answer is your bingo call.
If you multiply the first two calls together that will provide you your third call.
The order you find the calls is not necessarily the order that they were called.
The order you find the calls is not necessarily the order that they were called.
The first two calls are in the same post, and since there is no "edited on" notation, then you made them at the exact same time.
Well my bingo friends... It is the end of the month and I am slammed. Gotta lot to get done before leaving for my football game.

That means an easy remaining 3 calls today.

Ever notice how when I call him out, and I'm right, he just ignores me.
Nope... just gotta read the rules:
6. Calls can occur in a variety of ways:
Plain Text calls, typed directly or hidden within a post.
Photo, VIDEO, numeric, code, alternate Languages, audio, encryption, steganography, links to external sources, or graphic representation of calls may be employed.
Calls may be encoded or hidden in puzzles, requiring the player to decode or solve to determine the actual call. (If at any point you are stumped you may contact the caller or another player by PM for help).

How many total for today?
Was driving the motorhome. We are enjoying the long weekend up in the mountains. So easy calls incoming this weekend.
