The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #37 - Revenge or Redemption?

Found a 3rd call and of course it didn't help either..
You do realize @GearNoir soon you are going to Have to start making calls that are on all our cards !! You're gonna run out of any other calls !!!;):D
Might need the next bingo game to include markers for doctoring cards…y’all are so unlucky with calls!
So I caught up on yesterday’s calls and on today’s calls as well. And you know what on both days…

Only 9 more hits needed for victory
One more to top off the evening! This one’s for @Spider !

What’s the Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

That puts us at a total of 6 calls today folks! More tomorrow!
Is this even a legal call? The letter isn't in front of it.
He has an exception of sorts in his rules. He’s identified this as a call, and it’s a puzzle of sorts, so it doesn’t need the letter.
Gooooooood morning Bingo players! Can you believe the work week is almost half way over?!

To celebrate…here’s an easy call for ya!

He has an exception of sorts in his rules. He’s identified this as a call, and it’s a puzzle of sorts, so it doesn’t need the letter.
Well, looks who's up and policing already. :) Okay KJ, let's get that bed bath done and get you discharged!