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Bingo Game #36 - Return of PIFapalooza

In spite of work beating me down and only finding one number so far, I think I am still in the running.
Ok ladies, pay attention. I don't want this thing hanging over my head after the weekend. That will mean a mess o' calls. You might be saying, oh seventy calls would be nice. Well, that's just too many, but there will be a lot. Either at the end of the day or tomorrow before any calls, if there hasn't been a winner I'll post a recap. Then it will be a race to the finish.n33Well, maybe a slow deliberate strut. Hey @Jaro1069, see that space before the word "well"? Looks suspicious don't it?
Ok ladies, pay attention. I don't want this thing hanging over my head after the weekend. That will mean a mess o' calls. You might be saying, oh seventy calls would be nice. Well, that's just too many, but there will be a lot. Either at the end of the day or tomorrow before any calls, if there hasn't been a winner I'll post a recap. Then it will be a race to the finish.n33Well, maybe a slow deliberate strut. Hey @Jaro1069, see that space before the word "well"? Looks suspicious don't it?
Yes but guess what, Its not on my card Either !!
Yep but guess what , That one wasn't on my card either !! Hey is there a prize for having the least spaces filled when someone wins ?? I would get that for sure !!🤣🤪
Both of them in that post weren't?
I mean I know I have missed a few calls but my card still only has 2 spaces filled on it and only 1 in the pattern required. I think there may have been 1 more but it didn't count towards the pattern either .
Well from today's calls I have found I did get 1 more on my card but its not part of required pattern either... How about a reverse pattern? All the squares not in the pattern ? Has it happened before where someone didn't have any of the pattern but all the other squares ???? Uh oh I might have given a future wizard an idea...for all the squares except for (insert pattern) !! Make it a reverse bingo ...