The Shaving Cadre

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Bingo Game #10 - Rules & Signup

hmm 2 found so far and 2/2 on one and 1/2 on the other ahh the memories of Bingo on Xenforo LOL
So how the heck does this work anyway?
Hidden by trickery in the callers post each day are the bingo calls. You have to learn there tricks and find the calls. A recap usually at the end of the week if they're nice and help available if you pm them for tips if needed.
I asked Kyle about the B3 as I thought it might be the 3rd but was told no. If it's in the music video he posted I won't find it as I couldn't listen watch anymore :p
I just marked the B3 until he said no. I watched the video and listened to most of it but the music was more painful than the Death Nut!!