The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Been here a while but just getting around to saying hi.


Jr. Shave Member
My name is Dusty. I am 35 years old from Bedford, VA. I’ve been shaving the right way for over two years now. My brother and I were looking for some better than what we were doing and he stumbled upon Stirling Soap Company. Since then we have got 10 or more of our friends switched over and I know Stirling, PAA & others appreciate it. I have a PAA aluminum ascension and mainly use Stirling soaps but have come enjoy PAA, Caties Bubbles and Noble Otter. I look forward to trying more. I enjoy looking at shave of the day photos of what people use. I appreciate everyone’s kindness since being on here.
Welcome officially Dusty! What are some of your favorite razor and brush choices?
Welcome officially Dusty! What are some of your favorite razor and brush choices?
As razors go, I only have the PAA aluminum ascension. I have tried a few different ones like the Parker Variant of which I did not like. So it’s one for now. I have three synthetic brushes: Wcs, Stirling and PAA Peregrino. I use mainly Gillette silver blue. A lot of blades don’t work for me and I have found that to be the best for me.
No sir. He is extremely busy with his business. I doubt he would
We can't all be active in things besides work (4 letter werd) and family (sometimes a 4 letter werd!) but let him know we love him anyway! Have you tried Astra SS blades? I love GSB, but I think if someone else loaded my razor for me I couldn't find a difference between the two.

Welcome again, Dave the Tanned Farmer
I use mainly Gillette silver blue. A lot of blades don’t work for me and I have found that to be the best for me.
Many of us have found that when we revisit some of those bladed (or other gear) that did not work for us earlier in our journey, that they seem to work better now. When I first tried Feather blades I hated them, but years later I tried them again and they worked fine. Maybe it was a different razor or different soap or just better technique, I am not sure, but it can be a very different experience than your original try.
We can't all be active in things besides work (4 letter werd) and family (sometimes a 4 letter werd!) but let him know we love him anyway! Have you tried Astra SS blades? I love GSB, but I think if someone else loaded my razor for me I couldn't find a difference between the two.

Welcome again, Dave the Tanned Farmer
I have not but it’s been on my list
Welcome aboard the Cadre , Dusty.. I think you will enjoy it here.. When you get a chance on trying different soaps you also might want to check out CBL soaps.. They are pretty great with lots of different scents which I'm sure you will find many to your liking... Well enjoy your time here , there are many fine individuals here to have some discussions with along with some other fun activities to join like the cadre bingo games ( one is about to start ) and there are usually several zoom calls each week where you can chat with some of the people from here.....Have fun....