The Shaving Cadre

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Batten down the hatches...

Hey guys, my power is out since about 230 last night but otherwise good. Just a lot of limbs down in my yard. Still pretty windy here and it was a rough night. We saw wings probably up to around 60 mph where I am, and much higher too the South, probably 100mph or more

They're saying possibly 15-25 inches of rain in some areas:oops:, so already a lot of localized flooding. I'll be checking on all my local peeps as soon as I can.
Glad you’re OK!
I’m sitting in Georgia and it’s been raining since yesterday afternoon. Winds picked up a bit around 3AM this morning, but mostly just lots of rain—forecasted to keep raining most of today. Too bad we can’t send this stuff out West to extinguish the fires. Stay safe everyone!
I've got some friends in Pensacola. I used to be stationed near there (Eglin AFB). One of them said they are without power, had a tree limb put a hole in the roof of their home, and another limb crushed one of their vehicles. From the map it looks like they are in the center of the hardest hit area.
I've got some friends in Pensacola. I used to be stationed near there (Eglin AFB). One of them said they are without power, had a tree limb put a hole in the roof of their home, and another limb crushed one of their vehicles. From the map it looks like they are in the center of the hardest hit area.

Sorry to hear that @Spider ... Hope they are making it ok. I'm not far, so if there's anything I can do to help them let me know.

They got it pretty hard over there, and we did here also. I've never seen as many trees down after a storm, not Katrina or Ivan. Ground was so saturated, when they got hit with those 80-100mph winds, they just uprooted and fell over. Across Rios, power lines, homes... Pretty crazy. Lots of flooding in lower areas, too, both here and P'cola.

77,000 without power here in my county, only 5 of 22 power stations are operational. :oops:

On the bright side, got a generator going today, so have a few lights and the fridge and freezer are back up. (y)
Still no power :confused:, just running the generator most of the time. We did get internet back yesterday, so I was able to work today, and that's good. Got most of my yard debris cleaned up over the weekend. Power is slowly getting restored to some areas, so a lot of the grocery stores and gas stations are back up and running, so it's MUCH easier to get things; thankful for that. (y)

I haven't shaved since last Monday, so I'm getting pretty scruffy... maybe one of the pass arounds that I'm signed up for will come in and I can give it a true test 😆
Still no power :confused:, just running the generator most of the time. We did get internet back yesterday, so I was able to work today, and that's good. Got most of my yard debris cleaned up over the weekend. Power is slowly getting restored to some areas, so a lot of the grocery stores and gas stations are back up and running, so it's MUCH easier to get things; thankful for that. (y)

I haven't shaved since last Monday, so I'm getting pretty scruffy... maybe one of the pass arounds that I'm signed up for will come in and I can give it a true test 😆
Good to hear you are okay. Not having power kind of sucks...especially this time of year. But at least you have a generator.
Luckily the temps have dropped the last couple of days, it's been in the upper 60's. First few days was rough though! Someone loaned us a window unit for the bedroom, so that's made sleeping better.
Yup...I used to have all the necessities for Hurricane Season. I lost them in a flood a while back. So I need to make sure I replace this stuff before next year's season comes around with the baby on the way and all. But necessary are: A generator, a window unit or portable A/C, and a couple of fans. Of course there are a lot more things you need. But if you want to live semi-comfortable...these are required. The wife and I have discussed that the next house we have will likely be built...with it we will be including a Generac (or similar) whole home natural gas generator.

The weather definitely cooperated with you. Hope the power comes on soon for you.