The Shaving Cadre

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Batten down the hatches...

Feel for you brother! I'm over in the Baton Rouge area. We are happy we are getting little from Sally, but I am really sorry for you guys.
I should be far enough to the east of the eye that I get mostly a lot of rain and a bit of wind... Hopefully my friends over in Biloxi area don't get it too bad.
Woke up this morning and saw that Sally is moving at 2 MPH!!! I have never seen a tropical system move that slow. I hope that your area does not flood out!
Get Ventusky on your app in the world for tracking storms. Stay safe it looks like it will be a slow grinder of a storm.
Woke up this morning and saw that Sally is moving at 2 MPH!!! I have never seen a tropical system move that slow. I hope that your area does not flood out!

Yeah, that's super slow... there was one in the 90's (Danny I think?) that did similar, and just sat in place for like a day at the mouth of the bay. It wasn't as strong as this one, but Sally has weakened a bit.

It's tracking more east now, so probably will come right up Mobile bay, which kinda stinks. On the positive side, it will hopefully weaken a bit but will still cause some problems.

I won't get flooded where I live, but there are plenty of areas in my country that most likely will get flooded. Also, the storm surge will be around 10-15' now, so areas along the Bay are at risk for flood...

Thanks for the thoughts and prayers guys!
" More than 35,000 homes and businesses were without power in Alabama as of about 8 p.m. CDT, most of them in Mobile and Baldwin counties, according to About 15,000 outages were being reported in the Florida Panhandle. "
" More than 400,000 homes and businesses have lost power in southern Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, according to "

I'm already getting rain from this system way over in SC.

@jbreakfield Is not in a good place right now.

Yeah I hope all are safe.. We are expected to only get 5 inches or so of rain from it here...
" More than 400,000 homes and businesses have lost power in southern Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, according to "

I'm already getting rain from this system way over in SC.

@jbreakfield Is not in a good place right now.

Where are you in SC out of curiosity ?
Hey guys, my power is out since about 230 last night but otherwise good. Just a lot of limbs down in my yard. Still pretty windy here and it was a rough night. We saw wings probably up to around 60 mph where I am, and much higher too the South, probably 100mph or more

They're saying possibly 15-25 inches of rain in some areas:oops:, so already a lot of localized flooding. I'll be checking on all my local peeps as soon as I can.