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Baby Monitors! Help!


"I am Udderly Insufferable”
Concierge Emeritus
Okay...I know this is probably the wrong place for asking this question. But I figured even with a bunch of mucho macho guys...there still must be knowledge of baby monitors. I am trying to do research on the topic and there are so many out there with different features. Anyway...I am asking the cadre for help. So if you have had a baby monitor in the past...or currently has one...or know someone who has one...

Why did you buy it?
What do you like about it?
What don't you like about it?
And what general features does it have?

As a base...I would like something that has an app that can connect to a smart phone or tablet, High Def, and something that can expand if I decided I want to add components to it. None of these are deal breakers...but this is what I "THINK" I want!

I appreciate any help the wise men and women of the Cadre can provide!
It's like allll the baby products. Your first baby you're going to want to do it up. Really, I only see two reasons for a baby monitor now. First is so you can hear what's happening in the room so you can shut the door to block out noises from the rest of the house. The other is if you're going to all your baby to cry themselves to sleep etc. i.e. want to see if there's really something you need to jump up for vs they are just being fussy. Neither of those you need hi-def or a phone app. You want to be able to have the monitor on all the time vs checking an app from time to time. I would assume they all have night vision which would be a must.

Interesting tidbit, the hospital bought a bunch of baby monitors from Amazon so that the nurses could communicate and monitor the COVID patients without having to open the door and put on all the whole outfit every time. Worked like a charm. But they got fancy ones with tilt and zoom because those adults move around more than babies.
It's like allll the baby products. Your first baby you're going to want to do it up. Really, I only see two reasons for a baby monitor now. First is so you can hear what's happening in the room so you can shut the door to block out noises from the rest of the house. The other is if you're going to all your baby to cry themselves to sleep etc. i.e. want to see if there's really something you need to jump up for vs they are just being fussy. Neither of those you need hi-def or a phone app. You want to be able to have the monitor on all the time vs checking an app from time to time. I would assume they all have night vision which would be a must.

Interesting tidbit, the hospital bought a bunch of baby monitors from Amazon so that the nurses could communicate and monitor the COVID patients without having to open the door and put on all the whole outfit every time. Worked like a charm. But they got fancy ones with tilt and zoom because those adults move around more than babies.
Thanks Dave...very helpful!

Just an added note...I am researching this topic...but to be honest...if I go to the wife and tell her we should get the most basic of monitors...she will likely stare at me until I feel shame for getting her pregnant! So while I do understand recommendations telling me to buy basic...that may...or likely...may not fly.
I get that. I did the same. Never did use that snap-on weather cover for the Lauren Ashley stroller combo ;)
Okay here you go this is more elaboration and honestly I am just going to say... when it's first child you think I need it all! This is my child! I need all the new gadgets to ensure this child makes it to adulthood! Spoiler alert you don't! Now I know if the self help books you are going to hear about all the scary stuff like SIDs (which is serious) and you are going to read about neglectful watchers. As it pertains to baby monitors I honestly think the fancy ones are more for daycare setting NOT the mom and dad at home raising their infant.

As mentioned when the child is first born it will most likely be in your bedroom in a bassinet. Now you are saying but Chad we are heavy sleepers nothing can wake us up! WRONG. THat child is hardwired to you and your wife you will hear everything and be ALERT when awake. Now once you realize everything is fine you will easily fall back to sleep because you are exhausted raising an infant. In the beginning like first 3 or 4 months when your child needs a nap guess what that baby will take a nap in the same room you are all in! either in a bouncer, swing, or move the bassinet down two flights of stairs (yup Megan made me do this!)

Then the child will be taking less frquent naps and sleeping longer at night. At this point the threat of SIDs while still there is VERY LOW! VERY LOW! You are now in baby monitor stage.... maybe! Why you ask? Well if the child is breast fed YOU might push the bassinet til 6-8 months old depending on baby size to allow for easier access to feed the baby at night. But let's say hypothetical you move the baby to the other room. This is where the monitor can be nice. But remember how I said anything will wake you up? Still the case you and your wife are hardwired to hear even the faintest stirring from your baby. So the monitor is just there for a security blanket.

Once the child is walking and into toddler stage and they take fewer and fewer naps the monitor is really only used during the day NOT at night. Because now your baby is sleeping through the night or if needed their lungs are LOUD! Plus baby monitors are like radios... radios make random noises that wake YOU up at night. So again only used during the day at nap time. Which is why I recommend a simple ONE! So you can hear the crying on the monitor in case you are outside getting the mail, checking on the garden, watching the football game etc. So now to your other questions.

Why did you buy it?

VTech 2 Parent Digital Audio Monitor with Ceiling Night Light - TM8212-2 This isn't the exact model we had but it is similar. IT allows you talk to the baby... let them know you are coming. and it has two radios one for you, and one for your wife

What do you like about it?

it's not expensive! Baby stuff as you know is expensive! And every company out there is trying to take money away from your child's college savings account.

What don't you like about it?

That it was $50 for some basic walkie talkies. Honestly you could buy some cheap ones and tape down the talk button on one of them. Okay that's extreme but it would work.

And what general features does it have?

It alerts you when baby is crying. So you then go to baby.

As a base...I would like something that has an app that can connect to a smart phone or tablet, High Def, and something that can expand if I decided I want to add components to it. None of these are deal breakers...but this is what I "THINK" I want!

WHOA! slow down pardner! This isn't a TV to watch LSU lose to Utah in a few years. This is a device that will get minimal use. Trust me I get it... we bought some stupid stuff for both of our kids at this stage of their lives some of it was nice... a lot of it did not get used. Baby monitors to me are a little bit of a scam. The cameras etc are nice for daycare setting. I don't think really needed for mom and dad at home with new baby.

Anyways I hope that helps… most important thing to remember about all of this fancy tech is that you can’t change (Sorry getting religious) what God gave you and your wife… the ability to raise that child. You already have all the tools… everything else just makes it easier.
she will likely stare at me until I feel shame for getting her pregnant! So while I do understand recommendations telling me to buy basic...that may...or likely...may not fly.

Oh i get it! If she has a close friend who has already raised a baby past the age of 3 have her talk to them.
To Don's point. You know he's going to end up with the 4k 8" monitor.

FYI, we had my daughter in her own room from day 1. Different strokes.
FYI, we had my daughter in her own room from day 1. Different strokes.

Yea that's a good point. Some people do that as well. Nothing wrong with either approach. The bassinet next to the bed made for easier feeding sessions for Megan who was the only person who could feed the babies. With my son after a certain point I was able to provide a bottle if needed. But my daughter did breast feed longer, and never needed a bottle.
Okay here you go this is more elaboration and honestly I am just going to say... when it's first child you think I need it all! This is my child! I need all the new gadgets to ensure this child makes it to adulthood! Spoiler alert you don't! Now I know if the self help books you are going to hear about all the scary stuff like SIDs (which is serious) and you are going to read about neglectful watchers. As it pertains to baby monitors I honestly think the fancy ones are more for daycare setting NOT the mom and dad at home raising their infant.

As mentioned when the child is first born it will most likely be in your bedroom in a bassinet. Now you are saying but Chad we are heavy sleepers nothing can wake us up! WRONG. THat child is hardwired to you and your wife you will hear everything and be ALERT when awake. Now once you realize everything is fine you will easily fall back to sleep because you are exhausted raising an infant. In the beginning like first 3 or 4 months when your child needs a nap guess what that baby will take a nap in the same room you are all in! either in a bouncer, swing, or move the bassinet down two flights of stairs (yup Megan made me do this!)

Then the child will be taking less frquent naps and sleeping longer at night. At this point the threat of SIDs while still there is VERY LOW! VERY LOW! You are now in baby monitor stage.... maybe! Why you ask? Well if the child is breast fed YOU might push the bassinet til 6-8 months old depending on baby size to allow for easier access to feed the baby at night. But let's say hypothetical you move the baby to the other room. This is where the monitor can be nice. But remember how I said anything will wake you up? Still the case you and your wife are hardwired to hear even the faintest stirring from your baby. So the monitor is just there for a security blanket.

Once the child is walking and into toddler stage and they take fewer and fewer naps the monitor is really only used during the day NOT at night. Because now your baby is sleeping through the night or if needed their lungs are LOUD! Plus baby monitors are like radios... radios make random noises that wake YOU up at night. So again only used during the day at nap time. Which is why I recommend a simple ONE! So you can hear the crying on the monitor in case you are outside getting the mail, checking on the garden, watching the football game etc. So now to your other questions.

VTech 2 Parent Digital Audio Monitor with Ceiling Night Light - TM8212-2 This isn't the exact model we had but it is similar. IT allows you talk to the baby... let them know you are coming. and it has two radios one for you, and one for your wife

it's not expensive! Baby stuff as you know is expensive! And every company out there is trying to take money away from your child's college savings account.

That it was $50 for some basic walkie talkies. Honestly you could buy some cheap ones and tape down the talk button on one of them. Okay that's extreme but it would work.

It alerts you when baby is crying. So you then go to baby.

WHOA! slow down pardner! This isn't a TV to watch LSU lose to Utah in a few years. This is a device that will get minimal use. Trust me I get it... we bought some stupid stuff for both of our kids at this stage of their lives some of it was nice... a lot of it did not get used. Baby monitors to me are a little bit of a scam. The cameras etc are nice for daycare setting. I don't think really needed for mom and dad at home with new baby.

Anyways I hope that helps… most important thing to remember about all of this fancy tech is that you can’t change (Sorry getting religious) what God gave you and your wife… the ability to raise that child. You already have all the tools… everything else just makes it easier.
Thanks Chad! Very in depth and I will try to get the wife to read it!

To Don's point. You know he's going to end up with the 4k 8" monitor.

FYI, we had my daughter in her own room from day 1. Different strokes.

4k? Maybe...but not likely. But if I do...I don't want built in monitor...I want to blast that sucker on a 72 inch TV! 🤪
I think the most important thing is just trust your instincts. There really isn't a wrong answer here.

I can't wait to read the posts about how often you call the pediatrician. I swear pediatricians have to be saints because first time parents CALL THEM ALL THE TIME! Then you start examining poop, and then call the pediatrician to find out if it can be that shade of yellow!

Best advice I can give is trust your instincts! Ask yourself do I really need this gadget? And NEVER be afraid to call the pediatrician because that's their job and they actually like helping. Then when you get the second one you find yourself saying oh that's normal, and you don't call the pediatrician for everything.
Maybe to put things into perspective you need to convert everything into shave soaps. Maybe spend 2 shave soaps worth on the monitor. But 5 shave soaps? Really???
Some features the wife and I liked include:
-Camera zoom
-A good amount of being able to move/rotate the camera from our monitor
- one that only alerts you of a new sound, ie, if you have a sound machine on, the microphone will recognize it and turn off as long as your child isn’t making sounds (we had a cheaper model for our 2nd son, and the sound on our monitor was on constantly due to sound machine)
- a fair amount of range, depending on size of your home and how far you want to travel outside to do chores during nap time (the only time you will get to do chores)

we opted not to get a WiFi capable one due to the numerous horror stories you read about boneheads hacking into the systems and messing with your family.

vtech has a lot of options and ticked our boxes for the first one. I think it clocked in at about $150 or so. That was nearly 6 years ago though. Good luck!
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Some features the wife and I liked include:
-Camera zoom
-A good amount of being able to move/rotate the camera from our monitor
- one that only alerts you of a new sound, ie, if you have a sound machine on, the microphone will recognize it and turn off as long as your child isn’t making sounds (we had a cheaper model for our 2nd son, and the sound on our monitor was on constantly due to sound machine)
- a fair amount of range, depending on size of your home and how far you want to travel outside to do chores during nap time (the only time you will get to do chores)

we opted not to get a WiFi capable one due to the numerous horror stories you read about boneheads hacking into the systems and messing with your family.

vtech has a lot of options and ticked our boxes for the first one. I think it clocked in at about $150 or so. That was nearly 6 years ago though. Good luck!
Thanks for the info! VTech is one of the monitors that my wife was looking at. I'll have to check them out.
To the original post, our children didn’t leave our room until they were in the 6 mo to 1 year range. If it was day and they were napping, they most often were in a smaller, portable, bassinet-like bed right near us. For everything else, we had a simple one-way radio monitor.

Probably not ideal by any means, but it worked for us!
We have several monitors. Our twins have 3 cameras in their room. We have one thats a Motorola that also has a built in temp gauge which is great for making aure the kids room isnt to hot or cold which I really like. The other one is that brand Summer and it works pretty well also I have one thats really neat in their room that is an app called At Home that has 2 parts to it one is for the camera and the orhwd part is for the monitor the apps icons are diff. One is blue and one is red. The apps are free as long as you use low or standard resolution but you have to purchase HD. You take an old cell phone that you aren't using and turn on Wi-Fi and install the app for the camera one it and if you have another one thats either not.being uaed or that you are using put the monitor app on it ... I really like the app and yes its secure because during set up you create a free account so you have to log in to see the camera. What's also neat with it is if you were out but your aife was home and the kids were asleep you could log in and check on the kids while you wede out.
It also has a record feature if you need it. The app can also be used for security purposes. Some people use it in a hotel to make sure nothing is messed with in their hotel rooms. You should check it out. Its free so its not like its gonna cost you anything to look. Good luck.