The Shaving Cadre

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Art of Shaving Store Closings

It is a balancing act. The raw costs of good quality products is not completely inexpensive, however the problem is inventory control, breakage, spoilage(if a natural product) and of course market demand. What may sound like a winner may be a complete torpedo, then it must be discounted to the point of loss. Also retailers get greedy and instead of accepting a small profit, as was the case with AOS, prices were way out of line. A standard cost +one or two is usually a good indicator and product will move. For example if a product cost $4 to make (including all hard costs of production, packaging, marketing, ingredients) then a $9-11 pricetag is fair. However some think that they can compete with tried and true and fail miserably as we tried to convey to one of our previous retail partners here on the site. AOS started with great intentions, and did offer quality barbers, and knowledgeable folks. That was one store. Low and behold guess who bought them. We all know and love them.......

Yes.... Proctor & Gamble.... the same folks who ruined Gillette, and continue to offer shaving products that are more toxic than Chernobyl, and heated DE razors for $300. It is all about controlling the narrative, by “experts” in product done as cheap as possible using the worst ingredients so they can charge the $20 price on a product that costs them pennies. It is the same old story, profit, profit, profit. Also these young upstarts think they can do it better than the Italian, British, or long term manufacturers that have been keeping the Barber, mens grooming products the same( ie Penhaligons, DR Harris, MWF , and the list goes on). The retail side can be a great addition or the sinking ship. I try to carry only what I use in my day to day Barbering operation ( Roffler, CBL, Pinaud, Ruezel, T&H etc). These are products I know, use and can recommend. Rather than hiring a minimum wage retail clerk that is paid to sell off a script, rather than experience. Too bad really as AOS was a great concept but became corrupt. This is a very interesting discussion folks. Thank you
Amen. A great discussion, with the added bonus of this little bit:

".. continue to offer shaving products that are more toxic than Chernobyl, and heated DE razors for $300."

That's the quote of the day. Lol.
Gillette certainly has its faults as their recent controversial commercials have shown, but they still make the best DE blades in the World. I won't try & judge them (or rather P&G) on their AOS venture, but I for one don't want DE/SE shaving to go mainstream as that will "kill" the thriving artisan market that makes it so interesting in many regards. While no artisan has the required capital to start a blade factory anew from scratch, there are plenty for the other aspects, e.g., soaps, brushes, razors, etc. This is merely the market adjusting itself. Enjoy their DE blades while you still can as one day those will end.