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Are groovy bowls better?

@Patelliott feel free to post prices if you like. We even post links to products. We are one. We are strong. We are....The Cadreeeeeeee. Did you hear the echo at the end of that?

I did hear the echo. It really made the post stand out haha, but thanks for the heads up. @Jellodancer the scuttle I got is from PAA. It is $24.95, and honestly for the price it is pretty great. It isn't as aesthetically appealing as the G20, but it does what it advertised.
I am quite fond of my Captains choice for bowl lathering. (Which is mostly what I do.) I have a scuttle that I use wh it’s wicked cold or I just want hot lather. Problem is, if you put too hot of water in it, it negatively impacts the lather. So I’ve been experimenting with floating the Captain in the hot water of the sink to keep it warm. It’s worked most times, failed several times. I mad a pretty nice bowl for @woodpusher for Christmas. I almost kept it. It was from a nice piece of olive wood. It looked very home-made as my skills aren’t that great, but boy howdy it does lather!
I did hear the echo. It really made the post stand out haha, but thanks for the heads up. @Jellodancer the scuttle I got is from PAA. It is $24.95, and honestly for the price it is pretty great. It isn't as aesthetically appealing as the G20, but it does what it advertised.
Now that sucker has some serious grooves and texture in it! Interesting it has raised texture marks instead of “digs”. Do you think raised grooves creates a better lather than indented grooves?
Now that sucker has some serious grooves and texture in it! Interesting it has raised texture marks instead of “digs”. Do you think raised grooves creates a better lather than indented grooves?
The point is agitation, and air space. If you create spaces for air, the air will whip into the lather easier and faster. That’s the whole point. Raised or recessed, doesn’t matter, it does the same thing. The difference just may be in how it feels to you.
Now that sucker has some serious grooves and texture in it! Interesting it has raised texture marks instead of “digs”. Do you think raised grooves creates a better lather than indented grooves?

To be honest, I don't know if it is better. I have not tried a bowl with indented grooves. However, on the description of the bowl, the owner talks about using raised grooves because his customer base asked him too. So apparently their old scuttle, the Crown King, had indented grooves and the customers didn't like it as much.