The Shaving Cadre

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Any Indian Artifact Collectors, Flintknappers or Blacksmiths on TSC

Sadly, I haven't gone out to look for arrowheads this year at all. We had a very cold spring and then all of a sudden it got warm enough to plow & plant and then we entered an eternal rainy season so the corn is quite high. I've hunted arrowheads in the corn before and it's really hot in there as well as the hiding place for the entire population of mosquitoes in that area. I'm pretty sure one stole an arrowhead right in front of me once :LOL:

More pictures:


Can you spot the arrowhead in the picture below? See that footprint to the right, that was some other guy who hunted the field before I got there. You can't find them all.

It's pretty amazing that arrowheads and the like can still be readily found. Now stop playing around and find that Mammoth skeleton!