The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

Another New Convert

Hello Everyone,

And thank you to Chad for the kind invitation to take a look see at this innovative new site dedicated to wet shaving and related arts. I did take a look and, to my great pleasure, found a number of like-minded people some of whom I am familiar with from a different forum. Wet shaving came on stealthfully post retirement, blossoming into an obsession for me. I use a variety of DE razors and cannot seem to stop buying soap.

I was born, raised and educated in California. I am now retired from a 35 year career driving a desk. Prior to retirement, my wife and I lived in Walnut Creek, California near Mount Diablo. Every week or so I cycled up and down the South side of this mountain picking up my screen name when someone derisively referred to me as a Southsider (the North approach is slightly harder to climb though neither is particularly easy depending on pace).

In 2015, my professional career was firmly in the rear view mirror and the winds of change were blowing. We sold our home, cars and most of our belongings and downsized into an RV. We are now in our second RV towing a Jeep. Our home base is in Florida and we tend to spend Winters there. During the warmer months we tour the US and Canada. In 2016, we took our RV to Alaska through Canada. In 2017, we headed up to the Great Lakes.

Every year we park our RV in our RV port and head to Guatemala where we have applied for permanent residency. This June, I put together a travel kit for shaving which I took down to Guatemala, adding a clay lather bowl purchased in Antigua. As we were leaving Antigua to come home, the nearby Fuego volcano began erupting, the sky turned dark and brown ash rained down. I was very happy to get out of Antigua when we did and back to Guatemala City. Both my wife and I had problems breathing for a day afterwards--hopefully a temporary condition. I think we were lucky--over 90 people died in that eruption.

Best Regards,
Well officially welcome to the Cadre. You are doing what I hope to do when retired. Live in an RV. I look forward to hearing about your travels!
Well officially welcome to the Cadre. You are doing what I hope to do when retired. Live in an RV. I look forward to hearing about your travels!

I took a look at the pictures of you with your kids. Talk about living the dream. When my oldest daughter was 5 and our second daughter was 8 months, we rented an RV and took it from the San Francisco Bay Area to Yellowstone and back. That family trip still ranks right up there with the best things I've done.

Clark Griswold
I took a look at the pictures of you with your kids. Talk about living the dream. When my oldest daughter was 5 and our second daughter was 8 months, we rented an RV and took it from the San Francisco Bay Area to Yellowstone and back. That family trip still ranks right up there with the best things I've done.

Clark Griswold

Growing up my best memories were made camping with my family. My wife and I want my kids to experience that too! We are a planning a trip for Yellowstone for next June. It is only 6.5 hours from us to get to West Yellowstone entrance. So far this year the pop-up camper was a very great investment for my young family. We truly are enjoying all of our weekend trips. Plus i'd rather be out in the wilderness instead of my 4 year old inside watching TV.
Welcome to TSC Glenn!

Southsider said:
....cannot seem to stop buying soap.

You'll fit in just fine here!
Welcome Glenn! We hope in the days, weeks, months to come you will regale us with your stories of world travel! You sir, are doingwhst many of us can only dream of doing!
Welcome Glenn! Wow, California to Guatemala. That's something else! And bring on that soap obsession, the more enablement the better!
Welcome Glenn!

Sounds like your life is a great adventure in this phase of your life. That’s wonderful! Thanks for joining and sharing some of it with us.
As I’m reading your post, I’m wondering, “Do I know you?”

I know so many people whose story is just like yours.

Welcome to the Cadre!