The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun



Man Behind the Camera
I just found out about this forum a couple of hours ago and from a quick look around it seems a great place to be.

I've been wet shaving since December 2015. Way back when I first started shaving in the late 1950s I learned from my father using (probably) a Super Speed. It was a quick, dirty and bloody (I do remember the dabs of toilet tissue) affair of one pass using foam and no brush. Once the novelty wore off I never really enjoyed shaving. I continued using a DE, and perhaps a Schick injector [when I started this adventure in 2015 I was familiar with an injector, unlike the 3-piece DE which was totally new to me] throughout college and into my Air Force career. Due to time constraints and ease of use, sometime after the advent of the Trac II, I switched to the multi-blade format which held me captive for the next 40-some years. I still never experienced a shave that wasn't a chore.

Sometime in the last 10 years I had a conversation with my son who had become enamored of wet shaving. He reintroduced me to old fashioned shaving. As he explained about the multiple blades, soaps, passes and time spent in this morning ritual I chuckled and thought "that's ridiculous, what a waste of time." I did look up an article or two and glanced at an ad for The Art of Shaving (or something anyway) but wasn't impressed and promptly forgot about it.

I retired in 2014 (for the second time) and even with my spare time I continued shaving with the 3-to-5 blade cartridges. The minor irritation, quickly returning stubble, and expense of blade packs were just facts of life. During a two-week bus tour around France, when my morning shaves had to be fast, it slowly dawned on me that, even though I had a beard and only shaved my cheeks and neck, I really didn't like to shave at all. Mountain Man beard wasn't my style and I couldn't stand hair on my lower neck. I knew something had to change.

My first step was to convert to a Harry's razor which was better but I had a nagging suspicion that there was something more to my liking. Then I remembered the conversation with my son. I began to Google and look at Amazon. A different world was opening for me. I started small but, oh lordy, the choice was so intriguing and the temptation was so great. Even before I heard the term "rabbit hole" I had already fallen in!

I'm on several forums and FB groups but most don't attract me very much. As I said, a quick look around TSC indicates to me that this forum is a very worthy place. I'm happy I found it and hope I can make some worthy contributions. Sorry for the long winded introduction.
Ron welcome to the Cadre. I was very happy to see your membership! Looking forward to you sharing your expertise.
Welcome again Ron. Glad to have you here. It’s the best shaving Gorum on the net and it keeps getting better!
Welcome Ron, we are definitely a fun place to be and we ALWAYS have ideas about new things to try. Our shaves are never boring.
Welcome Ron! Great traditional shaving origin story! Thanks for sharing!
We all do!

Sounds great!
Right on Ron, nice to see you over here. Welcome.
Welcome to the Cadre Ron! Glad you are here and a bonus is you have us 1 or 2 members away from Chad shaving off the balding rat that's been hanging onto his chin