Got it. I’m going to preface this by saying that I have enjoyed every shave that I’ve gotten from the Bronze Guerilla’s stablemate, the Aluminum Guerilla. Wonderfully smooth yet highly efficient with a featherweight touch but, it had/has plenty of punch to knock down whiskers from a day to a full week without missing a beat. It’s that good of a razor, period.
Now we have the Bronze Guerilla. It’s identical in shave geometry to the Aluminum version and is impeccably machined to exacting tolerances as practically all Wolfman Razors are. The Bronze though Gents, it takes that quality of feel and precision to another level. The heft, the look and the total feel brings the razor to the next level in high performance/luxury/world class look & ownership. The handle for one threads so smoothly and easily into the top cap stud that it’s almost fluid like, as if on ball bearings. The Karve Brass has a very similar feel to the Bronze Guerilla in that aspect. The locking of the blade pinched in between the top cap & plate gives that wonderful “crunch” sound when the blade is set and ready to go. The Bronze is obviously heavier than it’s Aluminum alternative but, the balance in hand makes it feel lighter than it really is. Balance point for me is about a finger width and a half below the razor head and is distributed along the whole length of the razor with perhaps a slight weight bias towards the head say 55/45. To me that’s just about perfect for how I like a razor to feel in my hands. It shows the smallest amount of blade tabs on each end just like the Aluminum variant which aids in placing & removing the blade with ease. The top cap blade alignment pins are not long as the base plate pin holes aren’t very deep but, they are precise with virtually no movement of the blade fore and aft once it has been placed in there. There is no difference visually to the Aluminum version once both razors are ready to go. Just the color, alloy and weight. The Bronze handle though smooth, offers a tactile feel to it that once wet and coated in suds & whiskers, I still felt plenty of grip and confident that it would not slip. Very similar to the Aluminum Guerilla, maybe a tad bit better on the Bronze.
I completed 3 passes of unadulterated shave bliss with the .69 plate and not a single issue to mention nor speak of. Glide on the skin with a Feather installed meeting the skin & suds was like sliding on oil. Blade feel was minimal yet the cutting ability paired with the smooth feel on the skin produced the utmost in comfortable and almost mindless strokes for every pass. I can really use the comparison of a hot knife through butter to practically describe what the Bronze Guerilla was doing. It went through the whiskers with ease and with just supreme comfort and confidence in the knowledge that precision & quality was at work during the shave. I can say that the weight and feel of alloy just brings a different dimension to the whole shave experience. It’s almost like an indulgence of having that soft serve sundae with the cherry on top and when you’re done, you just want more. That’s how this shave with the Bronze Guerilla felt like to me.
If the .69 gap was this good, I can only imagine how the .84 will feel like for the next shave. Tomorrow can’t get here fast enough. Wonderful shave that left the widest of grins on my face.
Great shaves to all…