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Adventures In 3D Printing


TSC's Cheerleader
Hello everyone , I just got a 3d printer about a week ago now. A geetech A20 which has been great so far and have been printing a lot of stuff as some of you may have seen in my post of things I have made. Well I noticed that there really wasn't any place on this forum talking about 3d printing ( except for that one guy @uacowboy ) ;)and I thought it might be fun to have a thread about what we are making and tips and tricks you have found that might help others just learning...
So does anyone else have a 3d printer and any recent prints or tips and tricks....
Great idea starting this thread!

One of the things that helped me a lot at the start was the preview mode in the Cura slicing software. It doesn't show the model but the path that the extruder nozzle will follow. that means you can inspect the generated supports as well as the level of detail you will be getting60from the print so you can adjust accordingly with your settings to get the print how you like it.
Great idea starting this thread!

One of the things that helped me a lot at the start was the preview mode in the Cura slicing software. It doesn't show the model but the path that the extruder nozzle will follow. that means you can inspect the generated supports as well as the level of detail you will be getting60from the print so you can adjust accordingly with your settings to get the print how you like it.
I haven't quite figured out using supports yet. I have a few things I want to print that need supports but until I figure out where they need to be and how to put them there I just haven't made them yet.
Great idea starting this thread!

One of the things that helped me a lot at the start was the preview mode in the Cura slicing software. It doesn't show the model but the path that the extruder nozzle will follow. that means you can inspect the generated supports as well as the level of detail you will be getting60from the print so you can adjust accordingly with your settings to get the print how you like it.
Yeah I figured you and I couldn't be the only 2 here with one of these printers and figured it might be fun !
I haven't quite figured out using supports yet. I have a few things I want to print that need supports but until I figure out where they need to be and how to put them there I just haven't made them yet.
So in cura if you open the drop down for the print settings and open the full list of settings one of the sections is for supports. lots of things to try in there by my favorite support so far is actually found all the way at the bottom of the settings in the experimental section called tree supports. those get me much cleaner and easier to remove supports, just takes longer for the program to slice.

Edit: also when you use the settings in cura it generates the supports itself where it thinks they are needed based on your settings and the model.
So in cura if you open the drop down for the print settings and open the full list of settings one of the sections is for supports. lots of things to try in there by my favorite support so far is actually found all the way at the bottom of the settings in the experimental section called tree supports. those get me much cleaner and easier to remove supports, just takes longer for the program to slice.

Edit: also when you use the settings in cura it generates the supports itself where it thinks they are needed based on your settings and the model.
Thank you I didn't know all that. I will try that. I appreciate the tips. I have also noticed that when there are multiple objects being printed at once there is a bit of stringing, is that normal or do I need to adjust the temps?
Cod piece?
No it's a face mask and the spider unscrews so you can put filters in it and then screw the spider back on... I haven't attached the straps or the gasket around the edges yet.. I also will need to put the edge in hot water and mould it some for face shape...
Thank you I didn't know all that. I will try that. I appreciate the tips. I have also noticed that when there are multiple objects being printed at once there is a bit of stringing, is that normal or do I need to adjust the temps?
I get some stringing too sometimes. i think it can be caused by several things but i haven't dove into how to fix that issue just yet. it seems like it tends to depend at least a little on the brand of filament.
Here's another that was interesting to make I took the rubberset 400 stl and shortened it and then widened it so it's similar to the outlaw brush...


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I get some stringing too sometimes. i think it can be caused by several things but i haven't dove into how to fix that issue just yet. it seems like it tends to depend at least a little on the brand of filament.
Yeah I was reading a little bit about stringing and it said the extruder temperature could also be part of the reason for stringing. If it's to hot you get stringing but to low and you get under extrusion..
The handle length of the stubby 400 is 2 3/4 inches and the knot loft is about 2 inches with a total brush length including knot of about 4 1/2 inches.