The Shaving Cadre

Welcome to The Shaving Cadre, a forum dedicated to gentlemanly discourse about wet shaving and other topics of common interests. Membership is always free so register today and join in the fun

about me


Jr. Shave Member
okay. I'm an older guy in my fifties who got into straight razors by accident. thought it was pretty cool so I started reading on them and I've ended up here

I may ask some pretty stupid questions because I really have no concept of a big blade and my neck

apparently we have to sharpen these things ourselves LOL that brings us to a entirely new set of stupid questions. but I will go through old threads and see what's already been talked about and how far behind I am.

I am a father of four. I was a single dad. I still talk to all my kids everyday. three sons and none of them believe in any razors of any kind.

that being said, I am open to learning anything, trying anything. I have no preferences or desires I know a few of the popular old time brands like Wade and butcher and double duck

that's about it with me. look forward to learning about everyone else. I am plenty talkative with plenty of time
Welcome to The Cadre @jimmie!! The forum is a wealth of info and good gentlemanly conversation. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with our Terms and Conditions Linked Here:

Thanks for posting a introduction thread.

Should you need any assistance in navigating the site or help, please contact any of our friendly Concierge Staff.

@Spider , @NurseDave @heysi , @Fenster , @Scuttlesoap

or feel free to reach out to any of the owners of TSC

Again Welcome and have a great time.
Hi Jimmie! Glad to have you and thanks for joining the forum. I’m also a straight razor shaver and we are always happy to see others join the dark. Maybe someday your sons will join you!

who got into straight razors by accident
Fortunately/Unfortunately I got into them on purpose and it’s been an awesome journey! I accidentally ended up owning around 1000 razors though, which is unfortunate 😂 . I blame @woodpusher & @BarberDave

apparently we have to sharpen these things ourselves LOL that brings us to a entirely new set of stupid questions.
Ask away! There are a bunch of us here that hone and would be happy to lead you down the path. You can Learn both flat and convex honing and pretty much anything you want about most stones from us guys.

I am plenty talkative with plenty of time
So are we! We have weekly zoom calls in the form of game calls and the Sunday get togethers. Come join us, they are a blast!
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Welcome Jimmie, happy to see the spam filter finally relented and let you join.
There are a lot of us who enjoy using straight razors and/or very nice shavette type straight razors. Yes, they need to be honed but there are a lot of us here that learned to hone as well. Check out our video section, there are a lot of demos there that can help when you find yourself stuck on somthing. And of course feel free to post any questions you have, your will find our members are quite friendly and always willing to help out.
okay. I'm an older guy in my fifties who got into straight razors by accident. thought it was pretty cool so I started reading on them and I've ended up here

I may ask some pretty stupid questions because I really have no concept of a big blade and my neck

apparently we have to sharpen these things ourselves LOL that brings us to a entirely new set of stupid questions. but I will go through old threads and see what's already been talked about and how far behind I am.

I am a father of four. I was a single dad. I still talk to all my kids everyday. three sons and none of them believe in any razors of any kind.

that being said, I am open to learning anything, trying anything. I have no preferences or desires I know a few of the popular old time brands like Wade and butcher and double duck

that's about it with me. look forward to learning about everyone else. I am plenty talkative with plenty of time
Welcome aboard. Advice I’d offer is watch lots of shaving and honing videos. Be patient and take your time.
Welcome Jimmie! Glad you could join us.

What are some of your favorite razors/hardware and software right now?
I don't really even know what would constitute a favorite right now. I know so little. I do like George Wostenholm, Joseph Allen. I like the ones where the shank kind of curves up and ones that have really dominant makers marks, wester Brothers, Wade and butcher, sword and crown ern. I just use a 1000, 4000 and 8000 grit and call it good.

I use all hand tools, no power tools to make scales, polish, whatever LOL I'm in no hurry. not much money. and loads of time LOL. you all seen really helpful for sure.

I want to say thank you to everyone. it's my love of the history I think. wondering where these razors were before I get them and who may have used them it's just really cool to me
The count just last week was at 800.... she must have found another box.
I thought it was once fessed up to be 1355.

Never assume Matt does not know EXACTLY how many razors he has.

Oh, and Welcome Aboard @jimmie
I’m the token SuperCurve Hollow Bevel Honer. I found TSC to be the only forum where it is legal to talk about what I do.

Have fun with your journey.