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2018 Tax Filing Nightmare

Dave in KY

Shave Newbie
I GIVE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always done my own taxes. I do a 1040 and Schedule C and a schedule SE and then My Kentucky Sate Form. Not now.......have those and Schedules 1-6 added of which I need to do a 1 and 4 which is just bouncing numbers between the C and SE forms before it goes to the 1040. Makes ZERO sense but I give up and am taking it all to a friend that works at the Block. My guess is Lobbyist have had these added to confuse and generate more income by having more unnecessary forms to fill out................Sorry, rant off and I guess this should have gone to the stirred up thread................
We stopped doing our own taxes once my wife began her Mark Kay business over 10 years ago. Way too many things to keep track of on our own. It really does pay to have a professional do it.
I've been using TurboTax to do mine the last few years. I'm hoping to do the same this year.
We use Turbo Tax so I'm hoping this year isn't more difficult than past years. I am dreading the outcome however.
I'm old school as everything was the same. Just the numbers change. I'm calming down now....................a little ?
Not looking forward to doing my taxes at all. They lowered deduction amounts for businesses too. So I might not be able to write off as much for my referee stuff. I really need to get going on my taxes though. We are expecting some kind of a return but not much. I try to keep it minimal as to not give a free loan to the government
Ever since I got divorced and pay alimony..... I get audited every year. I'm used to it.
The wife filed ours this weekend. Owe on Federal...getting a good back on state...netting a big zero. That's the way I like it. I don't want to pay and I don't want them to hold on to our money for the year either. Just want my money in my pocket!
Each year there is another surprise issue to deal with. I am self employed which has some advantages but it usually leads to new challenges. When the affordable care act came into play it created a circular calculation when calculating the self employed health insurance deduction...the end result being what used to be a straight up deduction is now NOT. This year it’s the 20% pass through deduction. Sounds pretty straight forward but how you get to the base value for the 20% and how the pass through “deduction” benefits me is a mystery. Doing the taxes is not particularly troubling for me it’s just the financial pain it results in. This year’s pain has 5 figures.
I'm the opposite of you guys. I treat the government like a vacation savings account. I have as much withheld as I can so that I get a nice fat check for a trip. If I didn't do that, the money would just get spent as it comes in. But that check has been getting thinner and thinner.
I'm the opposite of you guys. I treat the government like a vacation savings account. I have as much withheld as I can so that I get a nice fat check for a trip. If I didn't do that, the money would just get spent as it comes in. But that check has been getting thinner and thinner.

Hear hear! Amen to maximum withholdings!
We use turbo tax as well. I have a side business and they find so many more deductions and things. We try to turn a small profit on the business each year, but it pretty much just funds my hobbies of flintknapping and blacksmithing. When I sell stuff I buy more stuff. When I want more stuff I make more stuff to sell.

I'm with Chad. I don't like Uncle Sam holding onto much of my money. We are extreme budgeters so even $10 extra a month goes somewhere. If you name your money it's harder to spend it
. If you have an envelope with money in it that says "Kid's Clothing Fund" you'd feel like a dirt weasel if you dipped into it.

I'm the sole supporter of a my family and don't make much of a salary for what I do so we do well at tax time.
Well she punched in all my numbers into the computer and showed me the 3 places I couldn't see where to carry figures too and handed it back to me to finish on my own. I only owe $125. Woot woot. Taking her and their family to lunch Sunday
I always had max withholding too regardless of the free loan to the government naysayers. Less stress. Now that I pay quarterly I send what I think gets me close to what I'll owe and extra goes to a savings fund in case it is more at the end of the year. If not, I'm holding my mad money already.
Well got more from the feds than I expected due to megan doing her master's program. But owe the state $100