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$20 basic utility knife

I'm going to second the Opinel for an inexpensive but great knife. i have a few and they are unique for sure and are really good blades. just be sure you pay attention to which one you get. they have one that is basically a folding sword!

The one I linked to is carbon steel, which I prefer. It is a very easy blade to keep sharp.

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My everyday carry knife is a Kershaw Emerson CQC-8. I loved it so much that I bought a second one to have in case I can't get another one someday if this one is lost or fails in some way. It's only around $30 on Amazon and you get all the special features of Ernest Emerson's knives without the hefty price tag his knives have. Granted, his knives are built tons better. Emerson got his start making knives for SEALs.

Be careful Dave, CA is banning everything so they might not let you carry anything more dangerous than a plastic spoon and even then you'll have to take a class and sand the sharp edges off...oh and get a license for it :LOL:

plastic spoon
Plastic! No way. It will have to be a paper spoon!
Be careful Dave, CA is banning everything so they might not let you carry anything more dangerous than a plastic spoon and even then you'll have to take a class and sand the sharp edges off...oh and get a license for it :LOL:
I can do some damage with a plastic spoon! Just can't cut a box with it.
The one I linked to is carbon steel, which I prefer. It is a very easy blade to keep sharp.

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Carbon is much easier to sharpen and maintain. It also takes a much better edge than stainless.
Very few stainless knives that I like, but the few that are decent really dont fall into the low end price range.
They can rust a bit more quickly than stainless, ime, but if you keep them dry, it shouldn't be a problem.
You are absolutely correct. I had intended to say maintain the edge, but didn't type it out that way...
Yup, you just have to take car of carbon steel. It is far superior to stainless, but good luck finding a true high carbon steel blade out there for sale in a pocket knife. I'm betting that when you do find one that says it's high carbon steel that it has other alloys to keep it from rusting. Carbon steel really holds it's edge. I think just about any knife can have an edge put on it, but holding that razor sharp edge is a whole other ballgame. My grandfather made my dad a hunting knife made from an old file and my Dad has never had to sharpen it despite gutting numerous deer over his lifetime. Files are high carbon steel.
So what’s you end up with Dave? Or what are you looking at?
I haven’t bought one yet. I do think the Opinel looks like a knife to last a long time and get some use. But it also looks like it would be bulky and I wear dress pants 5 days a week. So for practical purposes I’ll get one that is flatter and probably has a clip.

I haven’t bought one yet. I do think the Opinel looks like a knife to last a long time and get some use. But it also looks like it would be bulky and I wear dress pants 5 days a week. So for practical purposes I’ll get one that is flatter and probably has a clip.

2nd vote for Kershaw!!!! My wife carries one of the Kershaw Emerson's and slides it in her pockets without any issue. Remember Gibbs' rule number 9.....Never go anywhere without a knife.

Mark Harmon | Monty Brinton/CBS via Getty Images