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$20 basic utility knife


“Stefan’s Glitterbomb King”
First Responder
Ok, there's a bunch of knife guys on here. If I'm just looking for a basic utility, pocket carry knife, what would you recommend?
Single blade? Or like a Swiss army type deal?

I carry a Gerber. They have a lot of options are relatively inexpensive, and keep a good edge.
Just a single blade. I likely would only us it for opening things. I actually started looking because I saw a youtube video of a guy with a pocket knife that had a holder for scalpel blade built in. I thought that was a pretty sweet and easy way to cut a finger off.
I'm going to second the Opinel for an inexpensive but great knife. i have a few and they are unique for sure and are really good blades. just be sure you pay attention to which one you get. they have one that is basically a folding sword!
I know what @NurseDave's wife is getting for Christmas!
