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Van Yulay, a review?? Maybe.. more like a blogs random story about a time an author did something related, then finally the recipe.


Shave Enthusiast

TBH i had not really heard of this company vanyulay outside of a few random reads, but truly cant remember what i read and i thought it was a retailer of clone oil/perfumes from asia before i hit up their site. I dont know really why i thought that, maybe the company name is reminiscent of something from that marketing that overdoes an idea.

I guess i was mostly wrong, however they do have a bit of homage/clone designer scents (whatever they are called nowadays) amongst a great variety of scents and a couple of bases with fats and vegans. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

besides the retail name, the product names & labels definitely have an effect on me. I dont love them, but whatever. there doesnt seem to be a pattern of what i like but i know what i do and don’t. It’s a strong feeling and I’m sure packaging is an art form thats hard to hit 💯. for me ADPs packaging reigns supreme and is priced accordingly. I dont know how much ROI a small soap shop gets in label design but its clear wetshavers love to look at, display and publish good looking on SM. And there is art for everyone, clearly the artwork at thomas kinkade stores, warhol, and klimt, etc proves that along with cbl, grooming dept, arianna & evans, stirling, ethos, mama bear, van Yulay, noble otter, etc..

To that point, Not loving the labels of vanyulay but whatever, a recent sale was too good to pass up and i grabbed a couple shave soaps and menthol ASLs. i’m not sure why the packaging says “soap of the gods”, i dont get the reference and dont see a tie in to lingo of the names, i guess just a motto. (If anyone knows pls lemme know). Is it just that good? What would an atheist make of that? 🤔 tbh, i dont know why but soap of the gods reference made me think of greek & norse gods, i even had mortal kombat characters like scorpion, sun zero, or raiden on the brain not the muslim, judeo-christian , shinto, buddhist, tao, hindu, etc gods. too much marvel avengers recently on tv and stirling glacial electric sheep image in an open tab in my life recently i guess. I dont know what to make of that other than i must miss playing og mortal kombat on the genesis. seeega.

Vanyulay pipes their soap into the container with a star point pastry bag or something similar, looks like 6 or 7 dollops. Interesting, unique, increased surface area, other… not sure, couple of swirls of a knot and more or less the swirls disappeared. I load from container and face lather, none of this scoop and mush into bowl stuff.

Loads easily, nice lather, nice scents, feels good. Thumbs up. Lathered well for 2 nice and easy passes And then a hand & face lather/wash. Is it better or worse than other soaps, i don’t know, not really. I find i cant really rate other than thumbs up or down anymore, they are all pretty good and work well, except for … you know… that one.

let me know if you have questions, i’ll try to answer honestly and well.
I looked at that sale and then said I had plenty of soaps. But I have a question. Would you buy it again.
I looked at that sale and then said I had plenty of soaps. But I have a question. Would you buy it again.
I did the same thing, and then decided to grab a few and at the sale price, absolutely. I may not have the discerning tastes, complicated rating systems, and potential shilling aspect of you tube reviewers but this was a good product that worked well, feels good, and smells nice.

i’ve been led astray over the years by other FOMO reviews and uber hype of v2, v3, and VX and i think the low hype (imho) of van yulay allowed me to have low to normal expectations that were definitely exceeded… i dont thinkni have a new favorite or one and only but i enjoyed the first use of the soap and AS.
I did the same thing, and then decided to grab a few and at the sale price, absolutely. I may not have the discerning tastes, complicated rating systems, and potential shilling aspect of you tube reviewers but this was a good product that worked well, feels good, and smells nice.

i’ve been led astray over the years by other FOMO reviews and uber hype of v2, v3, and VX and i think the low hype (imho) of van yulay allowed me to have low to normal expectations that were definitely exceeded… i dont thinkni have a new favorite or one and only but i enjoyed the first use of the soap and AS.
Thanks. I don’t do FOMO and I’ve had a few bad blind buys too.
Thanks. I don’t do FOMO and I’ve had a few bad blind buys too.
I dont know if its a must buy right now or even must buy, but a “satisfactory to nice” choice at normal price, and the perceived value goes way way up at that huge sale price. I felt let down by a lot of the hyped artisans products, not that they were bad, just blown out of proportion
Interesting your experience with it. They had so many scents I tried them out years ago but couldn’t get a good lather with it.
Interesting your experience with it. They had so many scents I tried them out years ago but couldn’t get a good lather with it.

tbh, all of the reviews were at least 5 years old and the huge sale didnt inspire warm and fuzzy confidence with the press of the checkout button, but i cant complain about the lather or post shave feel. The AS needs to be shaken as the menthol ones i bought separates, but i shake every AS regardless. Seems like good practice to mix everything up
I echo @NurseDave tried a few time and it was just ok for me
I think we are all on board with it being ok. Tbh, nothing ive tried performance-wise blows my socks off where i’ve stopped using anything else. maybe i am not as sophisticated or sensitive to hyper elite tier performance.. i found the typical hyper elites to be ok too, but nothing jaw-dropping. Otoh, i’ve found myself with reactions to the EO or FOs used on some of the hyped brands.

For the sale price of $6 instead of $15 for 4oz, i’m enjoying it so far. I’ll follow up next week and so on with continued thoughts as i work through other scents and bases.
i wanted to give Vanyulay another go over the weekend, but just got around to trying a different scent/ (and different base?) as well. I just don't get the site and descriptions.

Today i used hermes, it's a nice scent, i can't say overwhelming and i kind of get a feel of TdH, but it's faint and i guess it's kind of there. I think the comparison description oversells the scent. However, it's not the only artisan to have this issue. I was able to lather it without issue and it feels nice. I enjoyed it during the shave.

what follows is slightly interesting questions, that i probably shouldn't bother with asking, but here it is anyway

Hermes scent (A very complex scent based on alchemy of combined woods. With high notes of vivacity of pepper and fresh spices will get your senses dancing. With the bitterness of grapefruit blended with orange will round out this deep fragrance.Compared to Terre d’Hermes). "formula" Tallow & Emu oil.
Made with Stearic Acid, Coconut Fatty Acid, Palm Stearic, Castor, Glycerin, Potassium& Sodium Hydroxide, Aloe Vera, Coconut-Tallow-Lanolin-Babassu-Manteca-Argan-Emu Oils- Shea & Kokum-Butters, Sodium Lactate, Calendula, Extracts, Poly Quats, Allantoin, Silica, Bentonite & Kaolin Clay, and Fragrance.​

Envy scent - This sleek cologne type fragrance, masculine, oriental, woody scent became an instant classic with notes of Opoponax, Patchouli, Amber, Musk, Cedarwood, Cardamom, Anise, Ginger, Nutmeg, Pimento. formula "Tallow"
Made with Stearic Acid, Aloe Vera, Coconut Fatty Acid, Glycerin, Palm Stearic, Potassium Hydroxide, Coconut-Emu-Castor-Lanolin-Tallow-Olive-Argan-Oils, Cocoa & Kokum Butter, Calendula, Extracts, Poly Quats, Sodium Lactate, Allantoin, Silica, Liquid Silk, Bentonite Clay, Essential Oil, and Fragrance.​

I am not sure why Van Yulay calls out the Tallow & Emu oil in Hermes, but just the Tallow in Envy. Not that I am trying to do any deep dive or sleuthing to uncover anything, but the labels and descriptions are confusing. for example:

Hermes Shaving Soap Contents which is labeled as Tallow & Emu Oil has this description
  • Tallow – has been used as an effective skincare ingredient for centuries! As your skin need all vitamins to replenish the daily lives, tallow has Vitamin A, D, E and K, as well as Omega – fatty acids.
  • Emu Oil – contains high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, therefore it is able to easily penetrate the skin’s barriers for deep moisturization. When compared to other types of oil, emu oil had 2-4 times greater penetration of the skin. These effects show that emu oil is able to moisturize and rejuvenate the skin extremely effectively.
  • Silk Amino Acids – This silk forms a natural layer over the skin, keeping moisture locked in and harsh conditions out, leaving skin protected and well-nourished.
  • Babassu Oil is an antioxidant and will help destroy the free radicals that cause premature aging and cancer. The oil is naturally anti-inflammatory and is often used to treat skin conditions such as eczema.
  • Coconut Fatty Acid – excellent lathering and conditioning when used in shave soap.
  • Bentonite Clay – Gives an extra creaminess and silkiness to the shave soap. Generally, white clay’s natural absorbing, detoxifying and exfoliating properties makes it an indispensable ingredient in shaving products.
  • Silk Amino Acid is a unique silk peptide and one of the best at reducing fine lines and other signs of aging. Aside from the amazing texture of silk extracts, silk amino acids contain properties which allow it to rejuvenate skin tone, reduce wrinkles and hydrate your skin tissues to protect from free radical
Envy Shaving Soap Contents (which is described as Tallow)

  • ·Cocoa Butter – is a rich and creamy natural moisturizer. As mentioned above, cocoa butter is a fat, but it is a stable fat, but will “melt” when applied to your skin. This means that natural cocoa butter simply soak into your skin for easy absorption (it’s like your skin drinks it). When cocoa butter “melts” into your skin, it is not only incredibly moisturizing, but also provides that nice barrier needed for protection. Cocoa butter has an unusually high amount of antioxidants, which means that it helps grab up free radicals that could otherwise inflict damage in your skin. So having these properties in shave soap makes this shave soap luxurious.
  • Argan – when used in shave soap, Argan oil’s nutrient-rich composition—including vitamin E and an omega-6 fatty acid called linoleic acid that has anti-inflammatory properties makes it healthy for the skin.
  • Tallow Oil – is considered to be a superior emollient that is beneficial for either dry or oily complexions. It gently moisturizes the skin without leaving an oily sheen.

But the ingredients of Envy say "Coconut-Emu-Castor-Lanolin-Tallow-Olive-Argan-Oils, Cocoa & Kokum Butter" and
the ingredients of Hermes say "Coconut-Tallow-Lanolin-Babassu-Manteca-Argan-Emu Oils- Shea & Kokum-Butters"

i don't know if ingredient order at this level plays a big role, but Emu is second in Envy "oils", which is the "Tallow" Formula and last in Hermes oils which is called the "Tallow & Emu Oil" in it's marketing.. huh.. strange... i don't think i am gonna solve any cold case mysteries but it was odd to see... and Tallow in Envy comes after Emu.. I am sure there is a valid, simple reason that could or could not be substantial... i feel like i am missing discussing something important in regards to tallow, stearic acid, the hydroxides and saponification, but i honestly don't remember.. and i am not a soaper. (i do soap my legs in the shower though 🤣) and why nothing about argan or babassu thats ID'd in other formula titles?


Regardless of labeling confusion for me, both soaps seemed to do the job well and were not offensive, both very pleasant.

I bought enough to keep me lathering Van Yulays soap for a couple months, only one scent/base iirc was slightly more expensive at $16.99 and i don't really understand why, nothing in the descriptions stand out as common things re: FOs, EOs, etc.. i thought it might be something related to oud oils, but some were that price w/o that oil, some had meadow foam oil, some had both some didn't.. maybe that's all there is to it.

interestingly, as i was perusing their knots selection, i noticed they had 39mm knots ( i don't see a lot of those or sale) and these mixed knots "Van Yulay’s well known Hercules knot is one of the best on the market. Made as a super density knot with the finest Silver-Tip Badger hair and Synthetic. The best of both worlds." I had never seen a mixed knot like that before. clearly i am not in the know, if these are "well known". but that wouldn't be a first.

Also tried the effin fabulous menthol version of the ASL, It was nice.. i enjoyed it, nice leather scent after a couple minutes.

back to the question " would i buy from them again".. i don't see why not... definitely not "no".

i haven't had a soap or ASL that really knocks my socks off, i feel like everyone has pretty much gotten close to doing soap and ASLs well enough.
I tried VY soaps once. I found it pretty average. It was a bit soft for my tastes.
the ones i purchased are definitely croaps. TBH, i couldn't remember how much shave soaps in the market were in this shave product category (~4 oz croaps) and I thought Vanyulays msrp were slightly expensive at $15-17, but looking through a popular online store, it fits in the middle of the pack by price of product, not the cheapest, not the most expensive.

I didn't do a per oz cost analysis comparison new (or based on usage) but i don't know why i thought it was slightly high, maybe it's the packaging.. i feel like overall in the industry price creep has happened over the years, maybe it's the artisanal craft ingredients, batch size, and more reasonable O/H cost or just profit.

i feel like a discussion on packaging would be interesting to hear others thoughts, not just container, but artwork, color schemes and even labeling and printing quality (label material, ink, font, etc) .. i don't know the resources or investment required, but clearly in such a niche area, could it be a huge game changer?
I tried VY soaps once. I found it pretty average. It was a bit soft for my tastes.
I was thinking about your comment last night when i used the hermes again, so i stuck my finger in it (thats how all trouble starts, doesn’t it). It truly didnt give much at all, if any; which had me thinking of the reason for the difference we see. Batch, base, old stock, etc. ?

the lather was good, i tested post skin feel and definitely enjoyable.
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recently used a Royal Oudh soap and ASL, and perhaps a bit too much water in my lather than normal, but still was pretty nice..

Tallow formula: "Top notes include lemon, pink berry and bergamot. The middle notes consist of cedar, galbanum and angelic root. Base notes are Regal Indian oud, sandalwood and Tonkin musk." no Argan, emu or babassu oils in the ingredients; however Meadow Foam is apparently in this one.

went back to the Hermes last night, and I'm not having any trouble with the lather..

to be honest, I don't/wouldn't feel bad having this as part of my kit.

what's interesting is that the containers for vanyulay are the exact same as the Shea Moisture butter containers, different color base iirc and smooth grey top, but they come off looking less well done. I don't know if it's the details of the stickers or the top cap, but it's just on my mind. I wonder if I'd feel better about it came in the wider low profile containers..
spent some time thinking about presentation and it's discussion. took some pictures of Van Yulays containers and Shea Moistures. maybe I'm used to the side label upping the game... interestingly, noticed that Shea Moisture changed their caps from notched to smooth. I feel like I really like the amber containers, more than the black, although the blue opaque containers with chrome tops like Domenico Caraceni 1913 are pretty snazzy. The grey plastic tops are slightly different than the black, so clearly they are not exactly the same, but really similar for better or worse.

I've used 3 of the Van Yulay soaps as noted above, so you could probably guess upon appearance, but probably not by weight. I thought I had tased the empty container, but upon reflection it doesn't appear that way. but I'll have to double check since the numbers are too coincidentally close to 114+36grs in total.
